Nov 23, 2008 04:36

It's gotten a lot colder outside. It's almost like Briggs here now. I never did like the cold that much. At least I'm able to keep warm. Not sure what's going to happen. December's coming up and I hope that there isn't a repeat of last year's mistletoe. I really don't want to deal with that again.

Shiro's been gone for a while. I wonder where he went.

Has anyone seen a small white plush mouse?

(OOC: Decided to have a bit of fun, Shironizume, Riza's little white plush mouse has decided to go wandering....and he's decided to check out Harvey Dent. Why? He's new friend of Riza's and he thought that he was interesting. AKA Bored!Mun is bored? *HIDES*)

briggs, warm inside, cold, shiro, 0068

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