Nov 13, 2011 20:24
So. Recently I moved in with my boyfriend. Its been going really well actually. The hardest part was saying bye to all my friends and family. So I decided to have a going away party before I left. We decided that he would fly up to New York and help me pack and then we would drive to Texas ( where he lives). The week before he came I tried to see most of my friends, it was difficult to see them all. The last day before he got here was the hardest. I saw four different sets of my friends. I went shopping and went to Barnes and Noble and went to Panera. I also went party shopping for my party. My friend Bonnie and I got tons of stuff. We decided the party would be a Tex mex/Hawaiian party. Weird right? It was tons of fun. So one of my friends had to work that day so later at night, basically 11 she picked me up and we went to Walmart. She gave me a going away card and it is still the best present ever. We ended up just driving around and getting ice cream at Walmart. She wanted to come pick up my boyfriend at the airport but she had to go home. After I saw her I went to Albany airport to pick up Jon. His plane was a little late but I finally got to see him. I was so happy to see him. The next day was so busy we ended up shopping some more and setting up for the party. So many people came to the party. I didn't think they all would. Laura and her niece Alex came too. I am so glad I got to see them. <3 and Ashley came too. It was a really amazing party and I miss all of them so much.
So the day after that we packed the car and left on our 3 day roadtrip. We had the GPS and we were on the road. It was a loooooong journey. I thought we would go crazy before we got here but we didnt. and we didnt end up killing each other. We split the trip up by going to see his sister in Virginia. This was the first time I was meeting her so I was nervous. She is the nicest person ever. Then after that day we had to keep traveling. We drove practically all day and we stopp at a hotel in Tennessee. The next morning we kept driving and made it to Texas. He ended up driving most of the driving in Texas. We stopped at his parents house to pick up his car. I got to see his parents again. The next day we drove up to Huntsville. we finally got to his apartment.
Fastfoward to now- We just recently moved into a bigger apartment. His friend Justin helped us move and then we went out to dinner.
So.. back to the topic of this post. My boyfriend works the nightshift ( from 12:00-8) and when he is home he is usually sleeping. Its not really a problem but sometimes it can get pretty lonely and stores can entertain me for so long. So he just got the video game Skyrim and he has been playing it alot. 4 hours at a time. and he just said he wants to play it all day on Thursday. with out me getting mad at him. Im not mad at him I just think that he should be able to play the game but he should also spend some time with me. I don't know if I am asking too much or what. Am i?