Jul 09, 2006 23:24
that is how work is. balls.
So my boss was freaking out that we weren't going to have enought people working ove the summer, so she hired five other people when she hired me. Which was great, because we had a pretty good amount of people to work during summer. But then she just hired 4 more new people about a week ago, and as a result of this, she decided that since i'm the only one working there with a second income, i wouldn't mind it if she just didn't give me any hours this comming week. you know, so the new people can have some hours. ok. First, there's a reason i'm working two jobs this summer, and it's sure as hell not cause i'm bored. Second, if you have so many people working that you have to significantly cut everyones hours down maybe you hired too many people.
So I was sort of all right with just not having a pay check for a week, because it was only going to be a week, but then i checked the schedule for the week after, and i'm only working 13 hours. Monday and Sunday. Its just really annoying because she made a huge deal about me being available to work and making sure my other job doesn't interfere with how many hours i can work. ITS BALLS.
The only good thing to come of this is that sarah and i now work together. which will be so fun if i'm ever scheduled to work there again. yeash.
ok, that was just my rant. i'm done now.