
Sep 21, 2005 23:03

What all some of you have been waiting for.

Easiest to start off with. This is my facebook picture for this month for those of you who are looking like "Wait...wtf...that's not new!" I was listening to some ghetto music and I felt like pretending to be ghetto for a couple seconds or atleast long enough to take a picture.

Tina and Me
Tina's my roommate. She's awesome. I consider myself to be pretty crazy along with my friends. I've met maybe three people who are crazier than I am. She gets to be added to the "crazier than me" list.

Tina being weird.

Josh, Tina, and Jim
Those two are always with her wherever she goes. She's lucky. I've always wanted two guys to be around me always. They would be refered to as my goones. Maybe that's why I don't have any.

Josh again.

Josh being weird. I can't recall taking this picture though...

This is one of Tina's friends. He's pretty cool. The bunny was a present from his exgirlfriend. He was really possessive of the bunny if you can't tell. His girlfriend dumped him a couple weeks ago and he seems to be taking it well. I wonder what he did with the bunny though...

I met Ashley through livejournal. I can't remember if I posted an entry to fsu_noles or not but I responded to something and said that I lived in Reynolds. She commented back saying she was gonna be living here too. We talked online over the summer and during move in she stood in front of me in line. When she said her name, I realized who she was instantly. Such is how much time I spent on livejournal.

Katie K. (Kay-Kay)
I met Kay-Kay during orientation. I was really bored and everyone was out. I went down to the lobby in Salley and everyone was watching Monday night basketball. I told myself that the next person I saw alone I would talk to. That person happened to be her. I had a really excellent time that night and I was so happy with myself for being so social.

Shauna and Mina.

There's a Circle-K across the street from the Wescott bulding which is on the block across the street from my dorm if that makes any sense. I had just come back from there because I needed milk and Mina was in the lobby. She asked me if I would go to Fresh Food (dining hall) for lunch with her. On the way back from there we stopped by the post office because she needed to get her parking permit and we both needed keys to our mailboxes. While we were in the line we met three other girls Shauna, Allie, and Jen. I see Mina and Allie all the time but Jen and Shauna not so much.

Allie making a funny face.


I met Jeff through facebook. We both live in Reynolds which is a wellness dorm. No drinking, no smoking, no drugs, and they discourage sex. Because of this Jeff made up a group called "I Can't Have Fun Because I'm in Reynolds." He had a really funny facebook picture and he seemed like someone I'd get along with so I IMed him and he is really cool and I do get along with him pretty well.

Jeff being...weird.

Patty and Alex(?)

I think that kid's name is Alex. I'm not really sure. Patty I've known since freshman year of high school. Alex was one of the guys she was with at the Jimmy Eat World concert.

The infamous Stephanie Mellini.

There's a diner on campus that me and my friends were at. While I was looking over the menu I noticed something called the Stephanie Mellini waffle. I went to high school with Stephanie Mellini so I was like "Whoa...wtf...how did she get her own waffle?!" We started talking about it then the girl in the booth behind us tapped me on the shoulder and said "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear you talking about Stephanie Mellini." I said yeah we were and lo and behold she was sitting with Stephanie Mellini. I introduced myself and yeah...now we see her everywhere we go.

I've met so many more people than that but no one else I've really gotten close to or atleast not enough to where I'd take pictures of them. Or put them on my livejournal.

The boys here suck. Whoever said that FSU was filled with guys lied. LIED!! Bastards.
Actually, they're not all bad. Just not anyone I could really see myself with...except for the last one. I don't spend a lot of time with too many guys so I think that's kind of a problem too.

I need to meet guys.
Plain and simple.

Katie and/or Bri might be coming up in three weeks. Katie really needs to since she's says she's gonna be coming here next year and Bri would just be nice. Even though I've made new friends life is still a little lonely without her.

I have a couple members of the family who live up here. One of them is my great aunt or atleast I think she's my great aunt. I'm not entirly sure. Her birthday is technically tomorrow but they're having a party thing on Sunday. Her daughter (my mom's cousin) also lives up here and she keeps calling wondering if I want to come over to eat or anything and I'm usually out so I never actually go. It would be kind of rude for me to cop out on them now, wouldn't it? So there I go...

I guess that's it.
I guess that's it.

Oh! Oh!
I got the new Against Me! cd.
And Anberlin's first cd.
I also got a black shirt from Hot Topic that has a no smoking symbol and it says at the bottom "There are cooler ways to die."

Not that anyone should care about these things.
But they make me happy.
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