The Beginning

Aug 21, 2005 11:47

So here I am. The building in the last two pictures is the capitol building. I really wish I could have taken a better picture but...meh...what are you gonna do?

We arrived sometime after four and before five Friday afternoon after leaving at about ten. Went to Target after we got into town so I could get more pajamas and undies then to WalMart for the practical things. It was such a nightmare there. I never want to walk into a WalMart again. Move in was pretty smooth. Tina, my roommate, found me while I was checking in.

This next bit is how you know you're online too much.

The girl who was in front of me was with her mother and I was just kinda making small talk. Some asked what her name was and she said "Ashley R---" and I was like "OMG! I know you from lj!" I didn't say that but that was definitely what I was thinking. She's really cool. I hung out with her and her mom in her room for awhile and she's definitely someone I'll hang out with frequently.

Tina found me in the line for check out (she got there first) and I met her parents. She's really nice and she's been so...I don't know the right word, but something synonymous of nice. She's included in me in everything she's been doing and she's introduced me to some her friends. They're really nice people so it's pretty cool.

I was up til three this morning in this guy Dan's room. He has a really awesome music collection. I finally got to listen to Rilo Kiley and it really is an awesome band, as everyone's said they are. I heard a little The Academy Is... and I'll have to check them out later. He gave me a cd with some hardcore and metal so I'll be checking that out later.

The girls across the hall (Kristin and Lauren) are super nice. I had talked to Kristin before because I found her on facebook and realized she was across the hall. I chatted with them while they moved in and they had me over for pizza later last night.

There was an attempted movie last night with Tina, her friend Jimbo, and some of her other friends (I can't remember all of their names). Two people left early because they were tired so it was me, Tina, Jimbo, Tina's friend Chris, and his roommate Andrew (I think). We went over to their place for awhile. Chris has this really huge cute pink bunny that his girlfriend gave him. They also have matching comforters which is a little more than amusing.

In short it's been great these past couple days.

The room is completely set up so I have pictures of it. I'll have picture of people and places later.

The room from the door. The top bunk is mine. It's a pain in the ass now but I'm sure it'll be better as I use it.

Desks. The one closest to the window is mine.

My desk.

My "Shit happens" poster. Best thing ever.

My window.

The view from outside my window.

My cork board which is between the window and the beds. It's not completely filled...yet.

That's what it looks like if I sit up straight on my bunk and look towards my desk.

There's definitely more to come.
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