(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 03:09

I hate not being able to get to sleep >=O!

I think I'm addicted to sleeping medicine. I cannot fall asleep without them and its pissing me off. I'll feel like I'm tired, then when I try sleeping...I cant. I just lay there and think. It sucks...I'm going to be fucked when school comes. Any idea's?

When I was trying to sleep, I was thinking about something that I read earlier. Before I tried sleeping I read over some of my older journal entrys and I came accross one around the time when I first moved to Durand and I said something like "I hate Durand and I'm thinking about moving in with my Dad back in Ludington." I dont know why I was thinking about that. I was thinking stuff like "I wonder if I would of been happier there" , "Would I be the same person when I lived with my mom" , "Would I lose my mind from living with my dad because of my step mom, and move back here to Durand" and "Would I been closer to my dad." (since for about 4 years now I have not had any sort of relationship with my dad) Not like I want to move with him or anything, thats the last thing I would do right now...but it was just some stuff going on in my head.

Schools comeing soon...and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I hate this whole thing about having to pass all my classes AND make up some in order to graducate. It blows...

Katys gonna try switching her 4th hour into something with B lunch or be in the same class as me...so I really hope that she can do that, that'd make me happy =).
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