May 01, 2009 13:11
I wanna get this posted & outta the way so I only haveta do this once.
This is a slash site. It is fiction. Definition of fiction:
1. [n] a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact
2. [n] a deliberately false or improbable account
I write these stories for my own amusement and the amusement of others.
While the stories are based on real people, the characters are completely fictional. They are products of a twisted mind, completely and utterly false.
If you do not enjoy reading slash and incest fic, leave the site. All stories are copywrited, do not take them and post them on your site, try to play them off as your own, or do anything of that sort without written permission. If you do, I will personally kick your ass.
That is a threat. I have my ways.
Ok? Sound like something you can handle? Then by all means, read & enjoy :} All entries will be friends-locked so you haveta add me to see my fic. No worries- I'll probably accept all adds but it's a safety thing.