(no subject)

Sep 26, 2006 16:17

Deathcult+Onmyouza+Malice Mizer= ME BEING ONE RICH FILTHY MOTHERFUCKER!! Hahahahahahahaha

San Diego just might get their little Jrock venue.

Same goes for Inverness one of these days. I plan on opening up 3 distinct Jrock only shops in Nottingham, Inverness, and San Diego.

All with the help of my dearest Angel, my dearest Warrior, and my second-in-line Boss Ash! Haha!

By the way, come to Wii-town http://z14.invisionfree.com/agateslink/index.html

And I will be looking for employee's as well! Especially those that are deeply rooted into the anime/jrock scene.

Taly, this is open for you as well!
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