Oct 09, 2006 22:28
Hmm. This weekend was ok. I guess...It could of been better like I was hoping it would be but hell I had fun all the same. Especially last night lol. Ok so lemme explain.
Friday- Was hanging out with Monica and the gang for a bit but decided to come home because all they were doin was smoking pot and shiz. A little later on I go back down there and Anthony made the mistake of ripping on my brand new hoodie as I was riding my bike and I came back home.
Saturday- Woke up early and went to the Maple Hill Invitational. It was freezing when we got there wow. Like 29 degrees out. My cons ended up getting soaked which sucked. Ran the Freshman race and came in with a time of 16:50 for a 2 mile race in the cold. After that we went to the bank. There was a lot of fighting between me and my mom she kept bitching at me and blaming me for shit. Pretty much made me cry. Went to fall fest and stretched dough in the kitchen for the fried dough the chorus and band were selling. That was actually fun. Was in there for like an hour or so. Me and Kate walked down to the Pantry so I could get Mountain Dew. Haha that was funny. We were like "THIS WALK IS SO LONGG" Then Kate wanted to go up to her locker after we got back so we all go up there (Kate, Ann, Me) and we were doing Mission Impossible shit through the hall ways which was hillarious! Anyways the end of fall fest comes and I helped clean up and shiz for mrs. Kirsch and mrs. Mosher. Then go home and take a shower. Find out seth is also going to averill parks homecoming as well as laura and bri. Bitched out willson for not going to the fall fest like he said. I drove to Amber M's house (yes I DROVE my dad let me) and we got picked up by Ashley Buckbee. Got to the Dance an hour early and Lindsay also got there early. We walked down to the pantry again to find out it was closed. I was skipping down the middle of 22 screaming "FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD" with traffic coming each way. It was fun. Then we were just acting crazy. More people show up too early because the dance was originally to start at 7. More craziness I was hyper off my ass on Vault. We walk down to Keiths to try to get him to come to the dance and he doesnt so we walk back and some guy was screaming at us while creeping down the side of the road. We told Mr. Kilmartin about it and the police later gave him a warning. Phew. Lots of kids in the dance were doin shrooms including my friend who decided to throw me into Mrs. Mosher who threatened to kick me outa the dance. They played lots of slow songs and I was getting sick of seeing my friends make out with their boyfriends. I was getting really sick of the people at the dance and I just wanted to die. Was seriously thinking about it but hell. Came home and talked to Laura and everything was...well not really...better. I went to sleep.
Sunday- Woke up at like 9:30. Sat around the house till Laura and Bri came over around like 3:30. Made cookies and then it was off to Alex's Birthday Party. We got there like 2 hours early. Haha it was fun. "BRI IF YOU GET KIDNAPPED WE'LL RUN AND WONT CALL FOR HELP OK?" XDD We sent her up to his door. It was great. She was all yeah thanks guys. I immediately found his guitars and grabbed one and started playing stuff on it. Seth and Lindsey show up and then one of Alex's friends show up. We made Alex Dance and Seth taught me how to grind. I felt so violated XD I was like AHH. XD Laura was like NOOO DONT DO THAT TO MY MIDGET! Alex and Seth were grinding. Alex's mom comes home. Then more of his friends show up and the party starts to get under way. We start the fire and there was a woodpile. We used this board as a see-saw sorta thing. It was funny. I ended up getting smashed in the shin with it. I was all "ackk...." XDD Then we go inside and watch Evil Dead 2. His friends went out and got stuff for smores. Then I ended up getting handcuffed to Alex and sitting on him for a good part of the movie which was sorta nice but you didn't hear it from me. The movie ended and we all went out to a field to shoot off fireworks. I was spinning around in circles it was so much fun. Then I stole alex's handcuffs and we ended up wrestling for them. My clothes were all covered in dirt and my brothers white hat was like destroyed. Seth almost got killed by a firework. If he hadn't been reaching for my cell phone, he woulda gotta smashed in the head with it. I was like "AHH YOU COULD OF DIED!" It was scary. Laura got hit in the head with one and got a mild concussion. We went inside to have Cake and Alex and Bri sorta dissappeared. They were getting all over eachother which kinda dropped me down a bit. Had a good conversation with this girl about being vegetarian and the hot vegan guys at her camp xD. We ended up going back outside to the fire and people were leaving. I was standing on a board that was on the fire. Haha it was cool. Somebody asked bri and alex why they weren't together which kinda dropped me even lower. Kinda sucks. But hell. This kid mark with these really cool pants that hes gonna make me was like LETS GO LISTEN TO MSI and we went inside and listened to his iPod. Finally mom mom showed up around 11:45 haha which was wayy later than we were gonna leave. We were one of the last groups of people to leave. Came home and talked to alex till like 2 in the morning and then went to bed. It was a funn time =D
Todayzorz- Went to Berkshire mall and bought lots of shiz at Hot Topic. Didn't get to see will again because Monica showed up at his house .WHAT THE EFFINGG HELL. Oh well. I got a Rise Against shirt, a Checkered Reversable Beanie, Green Hair Dye, Black Nail Polish, Arm Warmer glove type things, Rainbow shoe laces, and and um.. yeah I think that's it? Came home and sat around and here I am!! Haha. yeah. I need to get my working papers so I can get a job. I spent too much money today.
Umm tomorrow...Germantown Meet at Clermont Park. Who's Going? XDD
I Loveee My Friends like a Fat kid Loves Mc. Donalds <3