Hey Welcome you little simmers! Meet My legacy Founder Ariel Ocean & her pet cat Tiddles.
I made her This crappy house with 13,540.
But anyways I will tell your her things.
She is a Aquarius. Her Personality is 4/4/4/7/6. What turns This Ocean on is Strong men with beards. Lumberjacks -.-
But those zombies turn her off so... Like even if you believe in them she probably wouldn't like you no matter how much wood you have... .. *cough cough & lumberjacks... * ;) Her LTW is captain Hero... Are you Kidding me..
` Hello I'm Ariel... Ariel Ocean. `
Gawshhh She is beautiful. I try to make my founders pretty but whatever.
'Eww look at the mansion next door to me.. Snobs probably live there'
Opps ^ A forgotten piece of the house spam... >.<
'Oh.. God Look at this house... It's so Ugly Beautiful.'Oh shut up
It could have been worse....You know that right?
'Yeah, yeah yeah.'
What a beautiful Face she has there GAHH!!
`Im tired already'
You can't go to sleep yet your going to eat and then we will go to a club.
^^^^ EVIL LITTLEEE &!$@%@ @^@^%#^#%@ @^@^@^@^@^@^@^^@^@
Cat: Hehehe muhahahah. I love ruining things :3
"umm numm numm This is Delicious' & another pic spam
`Wah, I'm tired`
What Did I Tell you ?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Shut up and suck it up princess.
'This little stupid god like Bitch dumb Dog.. Is annoying telling me what to do.. Jesus Christ` <---- OMG WATCH IT ARIEL.
Dance spam
"uhhh yeahh'
Ride em' Cowgirl xD
Cabbb TIMEE !!!!
'Oh joy this shall be fun... So wait Am I going to find The love of my life ???'
Yes, But you will also be starting an Alphabet Legacy With this 'Lover' Okay
`Okay, but Does that mean im in for a lot of woohoo & some pain.'
Mostly pain but yes,, 'woohooing' will be involved -.-
` Cheahhh! score.`
Not to shabby look at this cab driver.. Default replacement skin,hair & eyes really pays off.
see what I mean ^
Time too go noww ^ ( BEEEP BEEP)
First thing she does is go to the Huka Bar area Bubble blower. :)
`WoOH, I thinkk this ones filled with weed`
Thats illegal hun.. but sure yeah sure it is.
Huka Bar spam
'Haha, Hey Guys I think its snowing out'`
No, Its just raining -.- woow.
she danced for a while but now its time to get her drunk.
she gets lightly buzzed and starts doing these random things.
'Hey can I have a sex on the beach ?'
Bartender 1: Heeeckk yeah.. Uhh I mean uh... Sure but Mitch Over There will get you it
'Who's Mitch ?!?!'
Mitch: Hey Im Mitch
`Ohh, Yeahh yeah your mitch & I don't know if its the alcohol but your damnnn fine'
just got her wasted/ Hammerd .. PIC SPAM>.<
I took her home because she got to plastered.
'I love you Tiddles ( tid-del-s)'
look for a job time..
'Hmm, no good piece of crap jobs are available'
'All this stress of studying makes me hungry'
people came to visit and Thank god. She goes outside in her formal...
Oh hello there you would make a interesting guy for Ariel... hehehehehe
Random Guy named Frank: What the Hell am I doing walking in this house.
'Uh, Hi my name is Ariel and I'm hott but i'm not good at flirting so this is what you get'
Frank Brown: Oh hety Ariel, I'm frank and your body is deff pretty bangin'
'Hey so I haven't know you for long but how do you like my house & would you like to move in it with me?'
Frank: haha, House.... you mean.. Shack. hahaa. Wow okay sure
`so you wanna dance`
Frank: Uhh no.
`Okay well your mighty fine by the way.... damn`
`so, do you brush your teeth ?`
Frank: Noooooooo! (sarcasm)
Frank: But anyway you look like some beautiful celebrity from a tv show.
`oh,well thank you charming mr. Frank` `so How about we kick this party up a notch ?`
Frank: I'd be delighted.
Cat mini pic spam ( i dont think i can really call it a spam)
(stupid cat being stupid)
(sleepy cat is sleepy)
(dreaming cat is dreaming)
Okay done for now.
As they start to dance Ariel gets this weird look on her face and it doesn't go away for a while.
( dance pic spam)
(gettin' jiggy with it)
What is up with her face ?
I can't tell if she's not attracted to him or she had eaten some bad food.
( get low get low get low get low get low get low get low,,,.... To the winndoooow to the wall to the wall till the sweat drop down my balls)
(weird faces be weird xD)
`Uh so why are you here frank?? ehh`
Frank: you invited me inside.. so yeah and I started to fall for you i have a Crush on you Ariel.
`oh really will you still like if i doo this umf look at this yo`
Frank: Girl your nuts
`okay I give up I mean I guess I'm falling for you too`
Frank: * speechless *
`Haha yeah I mean am I impressing you yet ?`
Frank: You already did.
Frank: Oh kittys!!! I love Kittiennnss!
`Uh, what about me like what the actual f$@*`
Frank: my apologies babe.. you were just getting boring.
`What me boring... Haha your hilarious`
Hunny I think Frank is being serious
`Noo, he cant be God lady'
Frank: Who are you talking to ?
'Uhhhh, I dont have to explain this do I ??`
I think its the best thing to do sweaty
` are you serious' ( That face)
`Okay please forgive me for this. I am about to tell you about everything`
There you go Ariel!
`Okay here goes nothing. I have a god lady and she talks to me and I can only hear her, well every founder can hear her. I also Am in a legacy and you are going to be my co founder. We will get married then Have lots and lots of woohoo and kids. Got it ?`
Frank: Hmmmm. Okay Im going to try to believe you.
Untill next time........................................... :)