Dec 01, 2004 21:22

omfg. today was awesome...well at the beginning of lunch i was walking with gerard and i was like damn geo is fine and him being as embarassing as he is, yelled out geoo and pointed to me when suddenly danny and geo started cracking up. who knows what the boy was thinking..lol i grabbed gerard's arm hard and ran away with him to hide behind other ppl buying food. lmao. then i was off to ms. finks cleaning tables lunch detention..wooo hooo

me: lmao..anywaysss, when gerard screamed out geo during lunch n pointed to me, why did you guys start laughing
danny: lol
danny: cuz i noe y u were scared!
danny: cuz u think hes hot!!

hahha hes a funny one.

me: i have a wannabe enfatuation with geo. lmfao
gerard: u have a wannabe infatuation w/ a lot of ppl
gerard: he probably jus thot that a really skinny/tiny person was looking at him so he was like wtf
gerard: i thot u said ppl get ugly to u wen theyr assholes
me: no
me: it makes them finer
me: lol
gerard: wtf
me: it depends.
gerard: so then i gotta be beautiful to u
me: lmao
me: like i like it when guys are kinda assholes. it makes me like them more
me: i hate it when their TOO sweet
gerard: ur trying to kill me...in effect killing urself
me: how am i going to kill myself. because trust me ima catch you by surprise like today when i grabbed you really hard by the arm, next time, ima do the same thing but like ima get my super woman strength on and pick u up and throw you across a caf. table
me: lmao
gerard: i can imagine u jumping on the table like the green goblin in spider man
gerard: lmao

lmfao x infinity..gerard is too funny..BUT we need to stage a HUGE fight tomorrow right ? ahh..lets talk and see if we do it..cuz you know who might be a bit jealous of youuuu.. hahha :-D :-\
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