May 12, 2006 20:09

Damn I haven't updated in forever.
Live has been moving at the speed of light and I kinda like it :]
Not as much sleep as I used to get, but I'll grow used to it.

So let's rewind completely to last week:

Tuesday: May 2, 2006 - Sunday: May 7, 2006

Tuesday I had work.
Wednesday I stayed home from school. I think I may have a sinus infection because I'm still sick.
I couldn't even breathe that day so I said fuck it.
At night, I went to the circus with Jackie, Jackie's mom, Chantel, Abe, and Amanda :D
It was amazing! We all had icecream and cotton candy :]
Im so upset...I took a bunch of photos but accidentally deleted them all :[
The elephants were so neat :D My favorite part was the motorcycles in the cage. I was amazed!
So we all gave jackie's mom the biggest hug ever for surprising us with such an amazing thing :D
We all hopped back into 'the band van' an had a singalong the entire ride home and shared tons of laughs.
Those girls truly warm my heart.
Thursday was probably insignificant.
Friday I went on a field trip with amanda and everyone to the RISD museum in Providence.
It was real nifty...some of the stuff was just so incredible. The pieces must have taken forever to complete.
Then me, abe, and amanda went to Dels and then came home. I did abe's hair :]
Me and amanda went to our makeup appointments and all that jazz.
And after a bunch of crazyness and bullshit, we got there and ended up having a not so bad time.
We headed back to amanda's and I slept over.
Saturday was when me, amanda, kaitlena, and bryan went to providence :D
We hit up the mall first and then we did thayer for a while.
I ran into James and it was nice to see his face again :]
Then we drove to Dave's and picked up a bunch of food for our little outdoor picnic.
Headed home, made the food, and ate it!
Then we all watched the Goonies and the night ended.
I had work. Got my first paycheck of my life which was very neat.

Monday: May 8, 2006 - Friday: May 12, 2006

As for Monday and Tuesday, I don't think I really did anything at all. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Wednesday I had work which wasn't bad at all.
Linel brought me home and I did her hair just to see if she wanted to do it for prom.
Thursday I went over Amanda's after school :D
We pretty much had the best day ever.
We played dress up and took lots of fun pictures!
We ordered pizza as well and I accidentally tipped the guy $10 lmao.
I thought he said 28.27...when it was 20.27. It's alright I guess...he was hot enough for it.
We had THE BEST singalongs and we drank tea :D
We warmed up our voices the right way and they were very clear and strong together. We are getting so good :]
We had so many laughs and such. I love that girl with all of my heart!
They took me home around 10.
Friday I just went to school and came home and napped.
Plans for boston with loafy were ruined b/c of rain.

Best thing about this week? [besides amanda]
The crazy ass singalongs with steven in the car in the morning with him and kelsea.

My ladies♥

My best friend is pretty hot :D


And my pretty flowers :]

Three amazing people right here :]


Idk if you guys can see this or not...but the girl in the car in front of us had some whack ass pigtails lmao they were so unbelievably uneven.

We went to ben and jerrys :]

Met up with them.

Then picnic time!

Linel's hair :D It's a little messy because it was just a test. But im very proud :]

She's so pretty! She looks like tyra banks :]

BEST DAY EVER with amanda [CWTB] :D

I'll swing from a street light as I...will sing ohhhh ohhhh ohhhh :]

Black and white looks classier :D

"Looks like you're peeing in the bush!" -Amanda

She's my twin :]


I can't decide if I like color or black and white better, so here's both!




This is for our babygirl kaitlena! :D

It was warm and beautiful out at one time...what happened?!

I played around with a few photos from up top and got this. I think it looks really cool :)


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