Title: Mr. Green and Mrs. Peacock
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Amelia Bones
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 921
Summary: An afternoon of shopping turns out better than they'd planned.
Author's Note: Written for the
rarepair_shorts summer ficathon Clue(do) challenge, using Lucius/Amelia with dragon hide gloves in Madam Malkin's. I couldn't resist choosing Harry Potter characters to match up with the Clue charcters or using this pairing once the idea struck me. Yes, I will be working on two more with Professor Plum, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, and Mrs. White later this week.
Spending a Saturday afternoon shopping on Diagon Alley seemed strangely normal when little else from their relationship could be considered as such. It was difficult for anything really to be normal when one was sleeping with the enemy and in particular an enemy who could make life impossibly difficult should she put all the pieces together and realize just how supposedly "bad" he was. It couldn't go on much longer. She was too close already, knew too much. She was intelligent, almost as intelligent as him, and though that had originally drawn him to her, it was now a very good reason to end things. She could have figured it out ages ago, but fortunately for him, loved him and was somehow managing to turn a blind eye to all the evidence.
He surveyed the dragon hide gloves skeptically after slipping them on. He curled one hand into a fist before nodding slightly and tossing a couple galleons onto the counter in payment. He was sick of waiting around while his girlfriend tried on dresses and dress robes for the upcoming Ministry gala (it had only been half an hour so far). Of course he understood the importance of appearances but he wasn't going to wander around Diagon Alley all day waiting for her. He expected an adequate reward for the time lost and fully intended to drag her into the bedroom as soon as she was done. It wasn't often that they both had the same day entirely clear and he had no interest in wasting anymore of it on shopping.
With that train of thought in mind, Lucius entered Madam Malkin's shop. He just barely caught a glimpse of her as she was being ushered back into a dressing room by the shop assistant. He blinked in surprise, convinced that his eyes were playing a trick on him. He waited a moment until the clerk walked into the back room before quickly striding over to the dressing rooms and letting himself in. "I already told you, I'm buying this one. I don't need to see anymore," Amelia told him, apparently expecting the girl to be bringing her more dresses to try on. Lucius smirked as he watched her reflection in the mirror and she struggled to get the lacing undone in the back. He stepped forward quickly and caught her hands in his. She looked up sharply but relaxed when she saw him in the mirror. "I should have known," she muttered with a grin.
It wasn't like Miss Bones to behave like this as she turned around and leaned up to kiss him. She was supposed to be a proper young woman. She hadn't gotten the nickname Ice Queen (and from Lucius no less) for nothing in school. There was something about him though that since last year she'd be unable to resist. They say opposites attract which made sense in some ways, she had been the Head Girl and a Ravenclaw, who valued rules and justice above all else. He'd been the Head Boy, a Slytherin quite skilled in subverting the system. There was more to it than that though. He was one of the only people who could challenge her intellectually and in some regards she couldn't help agreeing with his values, being from a still somewhat conservative pure-blood family herself, though of course no where near as so as families like his or the Blacks.
Amelia tried not to think about that family though. She was well aware that Lucius would be expected to marry Narcissa Black after the girl's graduation. She didn't expect their relationship to last forever and had absolutely no interest in grand illusions about a Romeo and Juliet like love between them. She preferred not to make comparisons with their relationship at all, really, as it felt too real and complex to fit neatly into some cliche. Even so, she could not help the fact that she was occasionally reminded of her favorite Shakespearean couple, Beatrice and Benedict. They'd spent the past seven years constantly engaged in battles of wit and absolutely convinced that they hated one another. Of course that was where the comparison ended but still, it was a nice thought. It made it easier to justify her feelings for the young man most of her friends and family hated. She knew that it was only a matter of time until things had to end and that yes, it probably would be easier if they just ended it now but her mind's logic was currently incapable of prevailing over her heart.
"Beautiful," he murmured, causing her to blush as he very obviously looked her over. All thoughts about wanting to break things off were erased for the time being. Perhaps she knew his weaknesses too well, not that it was particularly hard to figure out. The dress was green, which wasn't that surprising as just about everyone knew it to be his favorite color. What was special though was the elegant beaded peacock feather design that covered it. Lucius wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her flush against him and trailing a gloved hand down her spine, easily loosening the laces.
"I should change, then we can g-" Amelia was cut off as he kissed her forcefully and backed her up against the mirror. Amelia decided she'd have to pick a different dress for the gala as he magically locked the door and put a silencing spell on the dressing room, though this one was certainly worth it.