Fanfiction Masterlist!

Jul 31, 2013 01:29

I've decided I need a masterlist for my fanfiction. It will make my life a bit easier. Basically all of my fics are Harry Potter Marauders' Era (anything that isn't set in Marauders' Era is about Marauders' Era characters. I like them best, clearly.) or Doctor Who, especially revolving around the Ninth Doctor and/or Rose Tyler. I may get around to making a list for icons too and adding it here. All my real life posts are friends list only so add me if you care about my inane ramblings, which I think are pretty amusing but maybe that's just me.

Of Night and Light with goodbutfallen (it's on a semi-permanent hiatus because I hate Lily)
Marauders' Era  Remus/Sirius James/Lily PG-13
1. Cloth 2. Two Worlds 3. The Dark Lord's Word is Law

Chaptered Fics:
I Just Want You to Know Who I Am (also on hiatus)
Marauders' Era Remus/Sirius PG-13
Chapter One Chapter Two

Prompt Table Fics:
Amelia Bones/John Dawlish for rarepair_shorts 
Aurors for quill_it

One Shots:
Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky
Marauders' Era Remus/Sirius PG-13

Here With You
Marauders' Era Remus/Sirius PG-13

Your Life Doesn't Flash Before Your Eyes 
HBP Amelia Bones & Voldemort R for violence

Remember Your Allegiance
Marauders' Era Peter Pettigrew & Sirius Black PG-13

Mr Green and Mrs Peacock
Marauders' Era Amelia Bones/Lucius Malfoy PG-13

Professor Plum and Miss Scarlet
Marauders' Era Barty Crouch Jr./Bellatrix Lestrange PG-13

Chaptered Fics:
It Wasn't That Difficult (1/2)
9/Rose PG-13

Paris 'verse WIP
Paris (1/?)
9/Rose R for sex
Stars (2/?)
Rose and Jackie PG
Run (3/?)
9/Rose PG
Return (4/?)
Rose, Mickey, Jake, and Owen Harper PG-13

You Are My Home WIP
Victorian AU; Rose/Nine and currently PG
1. The Debutante            7. The Former Conman       13. The Travelers
2. The Bachelor              8. The Mother                    13.5 The Letters
3. The Friends                9. The Florist                     14. The Abandoned
4. The Suitor                 10. The Inquirer                   15. The Inn Keepers
5. The Conflicted           11. The Storytellers
6. The Mad Man            12. The Adventurer

One Shots:
11/Rose and Amy/Rory PG

A Better Man
Jack Harkness PG-13

10/Rose PG

A Fantastic Dress
9/Rose PG

9/Rose PG-13

All in the Name of Stopping a Potential Dragon-like-Alien Invasion
9/Rose PG


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