Title: You Are My Home (5/?)
Pairings: pre-Rose/Nine
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG for this chapter
Author's Note: This didn't end up going quite the way I expected but that seems to keep happening with this AU so I'm not in the least bit surprised.
The Conflicted )
I really liked the dialog between Rose and the Doctor. It was very in character for them and fit well into the era of which you are writing. I especially liked this:
"You should not think so little of your friend, Doctor. No, I believe he is the one who prevented the damage. I made a foolish mistake and allowed myself to be convinced by a man that he loved me. The night we were to announce our engagement he was caught with a servant girl. He'd been leading on other girls as well."
The Doctor's expression darkened as he reached over to take her hand. "That man is a fool then for ruining his chances with you." Once again Rose finds herself startled by the Doctor's words as much as she is startled by her own willingness to tell the story to a man she barely knows. There is something about his presence though that she finds quite reassuring.
I hope Capt Jack and the Doctor iron things out. I am really enjoying this story!
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