Hi Guys!
I miss you all very much.
I don't have new per se, because I don't want to curse anything, but lets just say cross your fingers for me tomorrow at 5:30 PM (nothing super important, but a start). Hopefully if things go well I can start my return to livejournal land.
If that doesn't do it, maybe my new computer will. That's right, I ordered a new computer and it should be here by the end of the week (yay!). I am still in the process of getting the rest of my life straight, but I think I am on the right path. Hopefully my new computer will be a motivation to keep you all more updated.
In other news, Dane and I will be doing a diabetes walk in May. There is no pressure, but if you want to donate or find out more, visit my page here
http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR?px=2768949&pg=personal&fr_id=3414&s_tafId=51501. If you can't donate, I understand, but if you can it's always appreciated. My father is diabetic as well as a few members of my extended family so it is a cause that is very important to me.
What's new with all of you?