Dec 19, 2005 21:04
I find it funny that the week after I post my heartfelt confession that I have OCD, I see a commercial for MTVs "True Life: I have OCD" I am afraid to watch it and see how much I have in common with these people. I already saw the big guy in the commercial checking his door made me feel like a loser. Maybe I shouldn't watch it or I might just pick up more dumb rituals. Le sigh.
In other news I got a DVD/home stereo for Christmas from my bosses. It looks cool. My brother called me and said he is going to give us his big giant TV stand that he made (it is so beautiful, just like the jewelery box he made me for Christmas this year) so we are going to wait to hook up my present until we get the new TV stand. Maybe Dane will post pics of all the awesome stuff that my brother made me some day. Maybe.