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Mar 08, 2005 16:35

wow. I havent updated this for a long time. Well. I've got my cell phone taken away today. at school.. wahoo. I dont really care. These rules at our school are such bullshit. I got in trouble. because I had a "attitude" wiff my grandma. Wahoo. I always have "attitudes" supposly.. Jeanine is going to get stoned money during lunch wiff Derek and Kayla. and I said I wanted to too and shes like. " bitch please if you want some get some money" I mean.. wtf!?!?! I am ALWAYS the one getting money for Liquor and Cigs and usually bud. What the fuck. She is starting to piss me off. She is getting annoying too. blah.. So is kayla. I had fun in resource today tho... I had to do english homework bc I was absent.. I went to the Harvard Academy room to talk to Mrs. Warren and Garrett was in there on the comp. He was giving me a weird glance.. like..::What the fuck are you doing here. Your hyper-crazy person:: haha. Well.. I think garrett doesnt like me that much.. because I am really hyper in science and I talk alot.. He sits in front of matt and I sit next to matt.. and I pissed garrett off bc I asked him if he was addicted to Cigs. and he got all like blah blah duh its a addicted blah blah.. and I said to matt.." I think he hates me now" and garrett was like " You know you dont talk very quietly" and i was like "wha?" and hes like. "why would you say I hate you. Was I talking to you today?"...me:"yes?" Garrett:" Okay then. was I talked to this kid right here?" me:"no?" Garrett:"Okay then. I obviously dont hate you" haha. I felt so dumb after that.. but.. oh well.. muahauhahua Today. i was like " what is does Machenical Energy mean?" and hes like "look it up in the book" Me:"I dont have one!!" Garrett gets up.. and grabs a book off of the shelf and gave it to me.. i was like AWwwww. hehehe. He was gonna give a cig to me today ( I havent had one for 9 days.) after he came back to his locker.. by the english room where he was supposed to meet me. He said there were to many ppl around.. he just said to meet him at cancer corner after school. But I got a cig from Jeanine.. and...like I said. I had to get my cell phone after school. so I couldnt meet him at cancer corner.:( Oh well.. hm... I visited jake last night.. this cute really punk kid.. I like. Hes my really good friend. I was REALLY scared to meet his dad.. bc Jake was all alone at his house. but all of a sudden.. his dad comes home.. (his dad yells at jake alot for no reason) so i was really scared to meet him but he seemed nice too me.. Alot of parents seem to like me they say I'm quiet and respectful. :) Well. I am supposed to go to church wiff Perry.. but I really dont want to go.. Liz is going. and I HEARD from jeanine that liz is going to go out wiff him.. but I dont really believe it bc perry is focusing on his religion right now.so I'm not sure.. Whoa.. my moniter just went like.. vroom! well. it just like flickered? haha I'm not sure.. I'm dumb. Oh did I tell you that kayla taped my hand.. and fingers? it was so funny. I was waving at someone and drew was like " hey the crippled is trying to wave at you" haha. Drew is soooo funny. I said his hair looks like a kooshball bc it is all spiky and stuff and Drew was like " What so your saying my head looks like a ball" haha. i just thought that was really funny. he called kayla.. Heresy squirts. lmao!! so funny. XD hm.. what do I talk about.... It was kinda funny today in study hall.. Jason is back in school.. jason is a kid i used to hang out wiff when I lived wiff my mom.. same wiff his cousin.. Thomas.. gr.. thomas is such a wigger.. but anywho. Then there was another kid. I NEVER SEEN BEFORE and he sat at the table next to me.. and I wrote him a note asking who he was and stuff.. but I ask scared to give it to him. Well Tom walked by (tom is a emoish.. indie kid.. really cool i write notes to him all the time.) and he was walking by and i was like TOM and he had his headphones on (of course) so I grabbed his arm and i was all pointing to the kid lol so he gave the note to that kid.. and I'm not sure if he read it or not.. bc I wasnt paying attention. I was writing jake,Jeanine and rena a note. and stephanie and I were writing notes too. talking bout piercings.. woot. my hand hurts.. wel arm.. i been typing so much. I have CIVICS do tomorrow.. We have to do a cartoon for each... uh.. I'm not sure.. but it has to be a polictal cartoon.. meh.. asdlfjkalsdf jI wont do it. haha. I have art too and I need.. like 30 sketches of my idea for a slab pot.. meh.. school sucks!
I have no clue.. but my left arm hurts.. like the bicep muscle.. it and the muscle feels hard. lol. MAYBE I AM GETTING STRONGER!! it hurts when I flex.. .wahoo.... do do do. I got the Underoath cd.. and Emery!!! <33. I made jake listen to My Chemical Romance and Underoath today.. hehe. of course.. jake doesnt like em.. he said their too emo.. hahaha. I dont blame him. I am watching MAD TV *silent woot* Alright. Im not sure if I every posted a thing bout Seamus.. but I'm sure that I put some of our convo's in here. But yeah.. Seamus tells me how he would fight for me.. bc ryan and justin were. but.. Seamus. has.a.girl.friend. He says he really cares bout me and there is just something that he likes about me alot. He says he loves my voice. and. He thinks I'm beautiful.pretty.gorgeous. so on so on.. but then I read comments that he puts on his girlfriend's myspace. (atleast it sounds like his gf) and Hes all calling her the most beautiful person. ( she looks like a guy..wtf..) and how much he really loves her and stuff. so wow.. that blew everything out of my mind.. now everything that he ever said to me.. doesnt matter. its lie. but.. meh.. I already cried about it.. so it dont matter..:-\ but.. ya.. I forgot what I was going to say.. Oh yeah. my boy.friend.Ryan.. we havent talked in a long time.. so I am gonna try to break up wiff him. I been trying too. but he doesnt let me lol. I TALKED TO BILLY! I miss billy so much. I talked to his friend billie. I told billie I still like Billy.. and billie told billy and billy told me he still likes me.. hehe. but billy has a girlfriend. but billie said his girlfriend is crazy and that he would rather have me go out wiff him home boy. haha. well. yep. I am going to try and call billy and ryan..well.. first i must eat dinner. bc my grandpa's home and I bet we will eat in like.. 3 mins.. but ya.. I really like billy still the only reason we had to break up was because of justin. that dumbass i hate him.. Billy actually listened to me. we would have good converstation.. gosh.*tear* hehe.. well yea. Ciara's new video is on.. I seen MCR's new video.. its total secks!! well.. this is alot.. so i am going to go.. maybe i will update later. :)
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