Jun 15, 2006 11:37
it's sofucking gay that you cant buy any music that isnt on the top 40 list.you will have to go to the other side of the lake. at least an houraway to buy any decent music. casey jones new cd came out tuesday. ihave some free time and went to the store to get some food stuffs. ibought some cold stuff, good thing, so i had to return home. i thoughtthe smart thing to do would be to call up the best buy out here and seeif they had it in stock. NOPE. so i call the best buy in slidell..NOPE. so i call circuit city. NOPE. fuck this place fuck theirnon-music knowing asses ! on the website they have it, why the fuckwouldnt EVERY store cary at least a few copies !? fucking gay gay gaygay gay gay gay !
this weekend i will go to a real city and buy it. METRY BRAH !
ps. if you like hardcore, sXe music, or casey jones, evergreen terrace.GO FUCKING BUY THE NEW CASEY JONES "The Messenger" cd. it's fuckingGANGSTA !
unlike the new bury your dead (not out till next month, but i have it),which sounds like some nu-metal bullshit ! which fucking sucks becausei use to love BYD.
yeah so fuck the north shore !