Title: The Suicide Lists [Part 3]
xsilentserenityPairing(s): friendship!Eunhae, written in Donghae’s POV
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Drama
Warnings: centers around the idea of suicide, self-harm
Disclaimer: Such a pity.
Summary: When the nothing that is left is too much; when the only option left is to die, to disappear, to have never even existed,
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Sometimes, my mind is refuge for me, where I can comfort and console my broken soul, and other days, it acts as the worst hell, throwing daggers at the soft spots only I know I have until I’m bleeding my tears out and shattering myself some more.
i love how you constrasted the two states of mind. beautiful ;;
aw, donghae became sad because no one said bye to him. it seems like a petty thing but small acts of recognition really do brighten up your day
why are donghae and his mom so tense? i dont like her;; scary
aww when the bus driver greeted him and actually "noticed his presence.." that part was sweet. he said he didn't care when nobody greeted him but he actually did.
eep hyukjae is such a cutie. i love how you characterize him with his smile.
He laughs and covers his mouth with his hands, but not before I catch a glimpse of his wide smile and gums that showed.
hyukjae thinks it's so easy to make friends but donghae doesn't. ;;
AGH DONGHAE. i hate how worthless he thinks himself to be. everyone is important, and everyone includes him.
so sad when he cut himself.. T_T
“Don’t fucking do this to me! Don’t fuck around with your life!” he screams.
i find it endearing how much hyukjae cares about donghae already. they r obvs meant 2 b! :P
this was really interesting! you make his feelings and emotions so tangible and relatable even. i can't wait for more. good job ♥
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