Hi, and welcome to my friending policy. I'll be a bit formal for this introduction, so, this journal, xsilentserenity, has fanfic posts of Super Junior. I write mostly Eunhae (Hyukhae and Haehyuk) and the rest of the my Super Junior OTPs, but I can write any pairing. I think Changkyu is cute.
This friending policy was created for my first chaptered fanfic, Lovelessly Loved, because it is what I feel most comfortable doing. If you want to read that fic, you must comment here, because it will f-locked 24/7, including new posts, and no new chapters will be posted to communities.
But here's me, since we can be friends, aside the formal part of everything.
My name is Seri, I'm female, I'm a '97 liner, and I live in Texas, USA.
donghaeteful-loving.tumblr.com, so come and follow me!
My hobbies include writing (for sure!), reading, art (photography, drawing, painting), math (I'm pretty good, too!), dancing (it's my life. I dance all the time), psychology, and of course, k-pop!
I am an ELF, Cassiopeia, BABY, 4NIA, and B.E.G. fan. I'm a casual fan of B2ST, 2PM, Infinite, SHINee, Jay Park, f(x), and I listen to all k-pop.
My bias is Donghae, and for the rest of SuJu, it's a big jumbled mess. My ultimate girl bias is HyunA. B.E.G.: Miryo and Ga-in (but I love them all, can't decide, ok), DB5K: Jaejoong, B.A.P.: Himchan then Bang and Zelo, 2PM: Taecyeon and Nichkhun, Infinite: Hoya, B2ST: Yoseob and Hyunseung, SHINee: Jonghyun.
My OTP is Eunhae (preferably Hyukhae, but I can believe in Haehyuk, too, to a certain extent), Hanchul, Kyumin, Yunjae, Yoosu. Other than that, I don't really get into the pairings. But, I do read everything and anything (as long as I know the idols), and I do write everything and anything (again, as long as I know the idols, and no smut for now!)
I'm a strictly below NC-17 writer, which means no smut from me, but it will get pretty close with lots of implied at times!
And one more thing: I'm a loyal friend and I hate it when I get betrayed, so if you want to be my friend, please plan to stick around!
Now, from you, it's going to be a lot shorter than what's above! If you're already my friend and we talk, please still fill this out.
Just copy and paste this into your comment and fill in the blanks (bold)! I'm making it easy for you!
<b>your lj username>
your tumblr user (.t.c) (if you have one)
Name/Nickname, Gender, '__ liner; Location (country/state)
Fandoms (top 4, unless you're only into less):
OTPs (top and then a few others that you like to see):
What makes you a great friend?
Why are you adding me as your friend?
Anything else: (Place where you can spazz out and say whatever and be yourself!):
To get me to approve your request, add me as your friend with a comment here. All comments are being screened for this entry; if you see your comment, then that means you've been approved, but if you haven't added me, then I won't add you first.
I am not accepting facebook or twitter accounts. You must have a livejournal.