
Jan 10, 2008 21:01

I've been going to bed at 11 every night of this must be post-winter break syndrome, or something. But I'm so exhausted because of it. I even managed to sleep in the crowded library on Wednesday during my off block - something I normally would have trouble doing. At least it's Thursday though, right?

But...the problem is that I'm so tired that I can't do my homework. I end up getting distracted instead, to keep myself awake...try to do homework...and then get distracted again.

I want sleeeep but I don't have the time to.


But hey, on the bright side - I passed a timed skills test, which was basically to write down twenty-four Trig. identities out of memory. *SO glad she passed the 2nd time* have no idea what I'm talking about, skills tests are short tests in math to check to see if you understand the topic. You must pass all skills test by the end of the math class to pass the class/graduate, and to pass, you have to get at least a 90%. They're never too hard - the past ones have been timed though, so they're just a little intimidating, heh.

Anyway...oh YEAH! We went to a field trip today to this building on the OSU campus to watch the Jefferson Dancers. They're a group of the elite dancers at Jefferson High School, in Portland (the school has a program for those wanting to dance professionally). I loved their dances and it made me want to go to that school. The guys were so cute - and plus, you've got to respect the ones that decide to dance professionally, when lots of people still think that dancing is just for girls. [/eyeroll]

But yeaaaah, they dance in basically all the forms: tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop, modern, and African-based. It was awesome. I have videos of the dancing, too - I should upload them, for realz.

Oh, and on top of that, today I stayed after school until four for an extra credit opportunity - a town hall meeting was taking place at our school with Senator Ron Wyden. It was...interesting. A lot of old people were there. Some Radical women called out some political slogans and then it got a little heated from there. Oh, old people...they just need to settle down, fo' serious.

'Kay, homework time.

(I don't want to =[ )
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