Aug 10, 2006 02:35
1. When did you lose your virginity? last year
2. Ever have sex with a stranger? no
3. Favorite position? thats for me to know and you to find out...maybe
4. Ever watch or look at porn? If so, name some favorites. yes...lesbians lol
5. How many people have you sexed? 1
6. Do obscene pictures of you exist anywhere on the internet? no
7. Sex toys used? ....
8. Strangest place you've had sex? oh god... boston common under the bridge lol
1. Drug of choice? oxy
2. First drug ever done? umm i think ritalin
3. Most desperate thing you've done for drugs or drug-money? nothin really
4. How much drug paraphanalia (pipes, chalky straws, syringes, etc.) do you currently have in your possession? only like 1 or 2
5. Ever get rolled? How bad? not yet
6. Smoke cigarettes? tryin to stop
7. How many shots do you top out at? 8 or 9
8. Favorite bar/crackhouse/hookah bar/dorm room to get fucked up at? theresas house
Rock n Roll
1. How many concerts/shows have you seen? like 6 or 7
2. Met any cool musicians? yes
3. What's the farthest you've driven to see a band? like an hour and a half
4. Most expensive show you've seen? like $75 or something
5. Ever get close and personal with a rockstar? no
6. What's your style: moshing, dancing, crowd-surfing or giving head backstage? moshing
7. Ever been in a band? no
8. Ever get seriously injured/arrested/pulled on stage at a show? puched in the face by some fucking guy