I wish I didn't get swayed so easily by the power of suggestion. Nothing worth notation is really happening to me, for the most part.
homicidalxorange (9:42:42 PM): it's like
homicidalxorange (9:42:45 PM): sometimes
homicidalxorange (9:42:57 PM): i think it would just be so much easier to just stop
homicidalxorange (9:43:06 PM): cause then i could just not have any
homicidalxorange (9:43:21 PM): like, worries or expectations or anything
rr x punk (9:43:32 PM): or anything
homicidalxorange (9:43:44 PM): and it wouldn't be like 'oh but im missing out on this and this'
homicidalxorange (9:43:49 PM): because id just be
homicidalxorange (9:43:51 PM): The End
homicidalxorange (9:43:56 PM): like, that would be it
homicidalxorange (9:44:02 PM): and i wouldnt have any
rr x punk (9:44:04 PM): but what about good things?
rr x punk (9:44:10 PM): you wouldn't have those either
homicidalxorange (9:44:16 PM): it wouldnt matter whether i had them or not
homicidalxorange (9:44:37 PM): i wouldnt have a conscious mind to be like 'yeah those were great times...'
homicidalxorange (9:45:05 PM): but it wouldn't really be fair to people, you know?
homicidalxorange (9:45:19 PM): my mom and dad already have enough grief what with shira
rr x punk (9:45:20 PM): yeah
rr x punk (9:45:24 PM): and friends
homicidalxorange (9:45:43 PM): well, you know how i am about that
rr x punk (9:45:51 PM): yeah
rr x punk (9:45:58 PM): but we all have our insecurities
homicidalxorange (9:46:03 PM): for a while i was convinced no one would really care aside from my immediate family
rr x punk (9:46:10 PM): that's terrible