Gavman. I miss babysitting him and watching Dora the Explorer and Monsters Inc.
everday together. I just miss Pittsburgh.
I haven't dont too much, just hung out with Allie, Julie, Justin, and Joe mainly. But there were guest suprises made by many throughout the weekend including MEEEELODIE. It was glorious. Yesterday there was a terrible storm that I was caught in the middle of driving so I had to pull over for about a half hour, then I started to drive home (I was only about 5 minutes from the house if that) and there were trees down everywhere. So the guy in the car in front of me and I carried trees out of the road because everyone was just sitting in their cars waiting for them to magically float away into the oblivion. I got home and all the smoke alarms were going off for no smoke! So I ran around trying to disassemble these noise makers but one was on the ceiling of the living room (high ceilings, boourns) and the other in the basement..but the basement was flooded up to shin level and there was no way I was going in the sludge water. So I had to call the landlord to get a ladder for the living room and I made her walk through lake erie. All of this happened and I don't even live here anymore. My luck follows me from city to city apparently. It was a much needed vacation after a terrible week and I leave thursday for New York to see Nicholas and look for a job starting after the UK tour since we have 3 months off while they record. Which is when I'm officially moving to Long Island (Octoberish).
She's wonderful at giving me a mullet. I loooove my hair for the first time in a long time.