Mar 02, 2008 11:58
Why is she perfect? How is she perfect?
I'll tell you.
First off, I will start off with the cliche "shes not like any other girl", because shes not. She appreciates the little things in life. Sunsets, how music hits her at the right time, and other things(for lack of words.) Second, shes gorgeous.
Let me take a moment, all these defining characteristics are rushing to my head (which has had a migrane since last night).
She doesnt have to dress up, put on that much make up or worry about accesories. All she needs is a t-shirt, jeans and her smile. nothing more.(my personal opinion)
I don't know why but i find myself having trouble writing about the one I can't get my mind of of.
She embraces life. Enjoy every second, minute and day. If she is working, running errands, e.t.c, she will always find the time to stop and bask. In the scenery, her past experiences, and future ones.
Undescribeable. Sure, a lot of girls may have these characteristics, or even better ones in your opinon, thats good that you have found that, but this one is my world. She has shown me a few things about life, love, and an overall sense of how these things should be handled. My past experiences with these feelings have all been void. Nothing to come of them except heartbreak and distance. I have been become to love the unloveable.
Not because she this individual is difficult to love, (obviously) but because of social boundries, and others that shouldn't matter. Falling out of love at this point, unfortunately for me, is not an option. I wouldn't know where to begin. I don't want to though, in the end though I know I will be depressed. I know im not on her "radar", and she probably doesnt think about me everyday. Thats o.k I never usually am.
I like the thought behind a "crush". The innocence of it all appeals to me. The other person having no idea, and you (and maybe a couple of trusted individuals) secretly knowing.
Anyways, back to her. I am trying to improve myself to try to appeal to her. Losing weight. If there is a list of likes and dislikes for her, I would follow them one by one making sure to never stray away from them. I would vow, as I do now, to be there for her night and day, only giving my honesty on all questions asked of me, to never yell at her, protect her in any situation, snuggle as much as possible, always have some new experience to do with each other, and always agree with everything she says( haha j.k)
To be continued...