The Vader and I took advantage of the 70 deg weather and took a trip to Center City last weekend.
First we stopped at JFK Plaza, A.K.A. Love park.
Then we went to the Municipal Building. They have all these sculptures of board game pieces. Sorry, Chess, Checkers, Bingo, Dominoes and Monopoly were all there. Aidya had a blast running around and climbing on everything.
After that we walked through China Town and then headed down to Washington Square Park where Aidya took a nap.
Naturally Aidya was hungry when she woke up, so we walked down to South Street and had lunch at Steve's Steaks. Jim's is the famous Cheese Steak place on South Street, but the Flower Show was in town and all the tourists where lined up around the corner to get in there.
We walked down and up South Street and then headed home.
I hope the weather changes back to being spring like again so we can go on more trips around the city. It's such a big place with so many things to do. I don't want miss out on any of it.