Jun 30, 2005 12:59
So my last couple days have been pretty fun.. I hung out with Rebecca. Me,emily,amelia and emma walked to the movie store to rent movies, and we dared beckie to do something crazy or whatever, so she walked all the way to the store down a main road with a messy bun at the very top of her head, soccer socks up to her knees, high heels, and a shirt tucked into her shorts. It was the funniest thing. then she started talking to these kids, and she fell. Hahah. I love her! Then me and beckie found a sprinkler that was broken so it squirted water everywhere and we got soaken wet ! Then i hung out with jordan. Saw her baby nephew which is adorable! We just hung out and took out the trash haha that was funny. almost died. Then yesterday i got grounded. My mom took both my phones, and the computer. But i got them back. Haha so i dunno what im gonna do yet today. For the next week if im allowed, im supposed to help emily housesit her aunts.. So if you wanna hang out, post it or call me:)
Help me put my pics on here!?!