Jan 31, 2010 13:23
I love when it's quiet. When I can sit on the couch by the window with the sun filtering in just enough through the shades that I am fooled into thinking it's warm. It could be spring right now the way this room feels. It's kind of disheartening to know that it is a long way away.
I miss springtime. I miss warmth. I miss catching a pocket of sunlight and basking in it's warmth, watching the dust play in the light. I miss warm grass under my feet and the sound of bees and birds droning in the background.
I want to spend much more time outside this year. Camping, campfires, fishing, swimming, hiking. Whatever we can do outside needs to be done.
I am reading House on Mango Street right now for my Tuesday night class and I feel like this is the perfect book for me to get back into reading and writing. The timing really couldn't be better. I got a flash of an idea for a writing project Friday night on the way home. I haven't had writing ideas in I don't even know how long. And it's made me miss writing. I'm just stuck for a beginning now. Ugh..it's so strange to not have written anything since creating writing classes at BSC. This is hard.
Mango Street is great though. She writes it in a series of short stories/anecdotes. I thought of doing mine this way. I read the introduction for this book and the way she talks about writing and trying to make it on your own, carving out an identity for yourself, speaks volumes.
I need to write out my daily life and thoughts more often. I should start keeping a notebook with me and transferring it here every day.