Thoughts in a quiet moment

Oct 26, 2009 11:31

We just got back from Long Island last night. We had a reptile show down there yesterday. We cannot not sleep the night before we have to drive more than 2 hours to a show again. It's torture, really.
Saturday night we went to Steve's. Andy was going to clean the fish tank, we were going to have some dinner with them, and get a little money and a little weed for our services. Then we were going to go home and sleep for like 4 hours before we had to go to the shop and get on the road at like 430ish. But no it didn't happen that way at all....
We got there and Andy immediately went down to start on the tank, the faster he gets it done, the faster we can just hang out. So he gets to the point where he's ready to just add the water in....Corinne had left to go run some errands...with the water in the back of her car. So we had to wait til she got back from Dorchester to do it.......3 hours later. So Steve asks me if I will go to Wal-Mart to get some cigarettes, some juice and distilled water for Andy to add to the tank...then he tells me he has no weed til Tuesday. I'm officially pissed that we came all the way to their ridiculous house only to do the work and not get what we came for. I didn't say anything of course..Steve is....I can't explain it but they're crazy enough to deserve their own entry. Maybe someday.
So we get home at 12:30. Andy is not tired and therefore wants to finish making his Reptile Show sign to hang in the window of the shop and to make business cards for the show in L.I. So I went to bed for 2 and 1/2 hours. He stayed up. I felt bad so when I got up I offered to drive down to L.I. It actually wasn't  a bad ride at all. We leave at such odd hours that we never hit traffic or anything. I cruised along and we got down there around 7:30/8 ish.
The show was good. Mike said it was much bigger than the last time he and Scott came down. I think we ended up making around $800 all together, not including expenses and buying tables for their next show in March.
However by the time we wrapped up and packed I was fading fast. Andy offered to drive home so we got in and I promptly fell asleep. Apparently I missed an hour of traffic getting down the Long Island expressway and over the Throgs Neck. I woke up awhile later and he was falling asleep. So we stopped at a Mobile somewhere in Greenwich and got some snacks and sodas and I drove from there.
I beat the shit out of Connecticut. I hate drive through it. It's long, there's nothing really to look at, it's one straight stretch of 95..oh and did I mention there are 93 mother fucking exits in that bitch? Yeah. So..I flew. I wanted to get the fuck home.I drove 80-85 the whole way and made pretty good time. By the time I got through Rhode Island and got gas and got home I wasn't going anywhere.
We were supposed to go to Lyle and Kristin's Halloween party and I was just so tired I didn't want to go back out. So we got into pajamas, had a big bowl of kale soup Andy's mom made, watched some Dexter on my laptop and then I passed out while he watched T.V. He put me in bed and watched a couple more episodes of Dexter and we both eventually fell asleep.
By the way if you don't watch Dexter, you definitely should check it out. It's a pretty awesome show, I think.
So now I'm sitting here watching a little T.V. enjoying a cup of hot coffee and sitting by an open window with a breeze and warm toast sunshine. Steve was nice enough to gift us some leftover mids he had so I have a little pot for the week as well. I'm happy, I'm a little over-tired but content. I need to just take things as they come and for now, it's quiet and nice and I'm relaxing. I'll take this for now.
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