Nov 27, 2005 23:58
converseclassic: so i was running through this field rite
converseclassic: well actully i was walking and it was a mall
converseclassic: but thats not the point
converseclassic: all the sudden i heard a scream come from the woods
converseclassic: actully it was santa saying ho ho ho at the photo area
converseclassic: i walked over and asked him if he cood hook me up with this girl named allison actully i said shes goin through a boring time cood u like send her steve martin or somthing
converseclassic: he then proceeded to make a steve martin doll using a cloth and 3 crayons actully he whipped out his cell phone and called in his favor from when steve asked for a good carreer
converseclassic: so steve went to allisons house and entertained her but she was still sad for she had no travis
converseclassic: so travis put on his spandex superhero uniform with foam muscles and took a cab to her house
an GEL taLk e r: but there are no cabs in uganda
an GEL taLk e r: only elephants
converseclassic: then he rushed into her house knoking out steve martin and saving the day from a boring remake of a guy with 12 kids
converseclassic: ok actully he hopped on his trusty elephant named harry and after 3 long weeks of travelling in the desert he arrived at allisons house
converseclassic: then he rushed into her house knoking out steve martin and saving the day from a boring remake of a guy with 12 kids
an GEL taLk e r: then what happened, uncle berry!?
converseclassic: then the evil steve martin woke up and placed a curse on travis and allison
converseclassic: the curse was that when they turned 20 the wood have white hair forever
converseclassic: well just then allison threw her super polkadotty dress thing on steve martin and took pictures the she put them on the internet ruining his career
converseclassic: after making millions of the assault case her and travis cood afford real spandex musclues and a big fancy dress with lots more plkadots and then they moved to hawaii and founded a bank then they lived happiyly ever after the end.