(no subject)

May 02, 2010 12:58


Just felt like posting this~
after 2 weeks of no livestage..
we finally have one! xD
this weekends feels more complete now~ xD
(although my workload is still killing me~)

anyway they played a mini handbell opening!
is it just me or did one of the juniors make a mistake towards the ending of it? haha

anyway Yabu is still using his low voice~ T.T
but yeah i can still hear the Yabu in him here <3
and he still looks as good xD
(except what did they do to his hair?! =OOOO)

anyway theres more YabuHika-rabu moments in this episode! xD
Yabu actually sucked Hikaru's finger! *starts flailing*
(with the lack of YabuHika and the over excessive Inoobu, im starting to like YabuHika more =x lol)
cant wait for this episode to be up xD
i wanna see it for myself!

anyway i watched KTTUN's performance on MS~
ok i maybe be biased or what but they sound alot better without A~
(well as compared to Best Artist and the Countdown anyway)
in those 2 events it felt like they were fighting to see who is louder~
(and i never really bothered with their past performances cause those 2 performances kinda turned me off already =x)

and there's seriously a lack of Tamachan in my life =x
besides the short Rope Jumping clips, havent been seeing much of him T.T
he better have a decent amount of screen time on the next Shokura =x haha

>< i went looking around on Yahoo Auctions Japn~
gahh~ i see so many thing thats tempting me =O
(its not like i will be able to get them...)
sobs sobs T.T


ohmy~ohmy~ gotta...control...myself...
or im gonna start screaming anytime soon~
so i went looking around Yahoo Auctions Japan again~
(im supposed to be doing my drawings!)
and i found these! KYAAAAAA~
i said i've been Tamachan deprived and this is what he gives me~
Can he look any cuter/hotter?!
Half naked Tamachan... Tamachan with clown nose... Tamachan in blue... xDDD
GAHHHH~ someone help me calm down or i'll never be able to finish my work xD
Is super tempted to buy this set of papapics....
(control... control... ahhhhh!)

These 2 sets are from the previous concerts and i found them hard to not put them up too xD

and Tamachan appeared on the Newspaper last year too!
(am i the only one who didnt know about this? =x)

if you guys havent seen this....
(Im not sure if im slow or what~ if you guys have already seen this then ignore me~ ^^)
Specially for 2 nicest Tamachan fangirls i know,  sheepyfied andjuellie1104  =DDD

ok gotta go cool off somewhere now..
gonna make some icons out of these soon xD(maybe net week if i have the time~)

because Hiro looks so hot too xD (i know im biased~ =x)
but surprisingly there are very few Hiro pictures on Yahoo Auctions =x

incase you are lazy to save the pictures 1 by 1~
i've put all of Tama's pictures into a zip file xD
Tamachan's Papapics

and since i've made a download link and since some people seem to have not seen it before...
here are Yabu's Papapics at the junior concert last year~
Yabu's Papapics
(i dont really like these pictures since its mainnly with NYC...
but still... Its Yabu xD

this post is getting longer~ haha~
but by the request of shiroikazex  heres some Taipi which i could find~ xD

DDD: hotness....

omg at TaipixMiyata~
hahas~ they look like they are about to kiss~ xD

ahh ~Taipi's previews are pretty small ><
but still its see-able~ haha!
will post non-firebeat Hiro tmr~
(since i posted everything for Taipi too xD)
if you are willing to wait and is lazy to open these one by one~
will post+put all in one zip folder of all that i could find of them tmr~
very few of the other 3 ><
no half-naked Yokoo and Nikaido~
and only a single pic of half-naked Senga~ haha~
(and completely no picture of Miyata at all D:)

Kisumai♥, =YabuHika♥, -Tamachan♥♥♥, Ya3♥

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