Jesus was just a church answer for me in my life until 3 years ago when I let Him become the answer of my life. I was at a Christian camp, which I went to to check out the ladies and make some friends to make a bigger cosm of people that I could use to help me get away, when I met Jesus fo real. It was in the middle of the worship time when the guy was playing his git fiddle and singin, and all of a sudden a counselor busted out screaming bloody murder. She had been so oppressed because of some sin she had commited habitually for 20 years. Christ's holiness was too much for her to look at while knowing that she'd been so trapped in darkness. I saw myself in that woman as I hypocritically prayer for her. I saw that I'd been slapping the Christ who made the universe and granted me breath in the face as I pounded the nail into His hands and feet. I had a knowledge of the truth, but a rejection of it, because I didn't want to be changed. But God got me lookin at what I was doin that day, and I was broken like I'd never been before. I honestly didn't know what to say, but I cried out to God to save me, "the sinner" save me, "I am wretched". He did, and I washed my hands of my sins. He set me free from the death I was living in.
Since then, I have not been perfect, but that's not what salvation is, it's not when a ball of filth becomes completely perfect from then on. Salvation is when our price is paid and our hearts are set free and redirected onto the One who made us. There will always be residual ties to the flesh, to sin, to our preference toward selfishness. But the thing is, I have been redeemed though my sins are as scarlet, I was made white as snow!
I will not be sinless until after the Day of Judgement when all of our lives are set before God and everything that we've ever done, or thought, is spread out and we give an account of all of it. When the Father looks at me and see's the ransom of Jesus' blood cloaked over me I will be Perfect as my Heavenly Father is Perfect. Until that day, I will work towards being humble because of who I am, sad about who I am, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful to all, meek, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and ultimately persecuted because of my faith. I count all as dog crap compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
Since then, I have not been perfect, but that's not what salvation is, it's not when a ball of filth becomes completely perfect from then on. Salvation is when our price is paid and our hearts are set free and redirected onto the One who made us. There will always be residual ties to the flesh, to sin, to our preference toward selfishness. But the thing is, I have been redeemed though my sins are as scarlet, I was made white as snow!
I will not be sinless until after the Day of Judgement when all of our lives are set before God and everything that we've ever done, or thought, is spread out and we give an account of all of it. When the Father looks at me and see's the ransom of Jesus' blood cloaked over me I will be Perfect as my Heavenly Father is Perfect. Until that day, I will work towards being humble because of who I am, sad about who I am, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, merciful to all, meek, pure in heart, a peacemaker, and ultimately persecuted because of my faith. I count all as dog crap compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
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