Nov 21, 2004 00:42
More than half of me appreciates that you’re sweet to me and you call me all the time, because in that, I feel like I’m missed and important.
But, the rest of me sees the truth. It sees that as long as we continue this way, I am not going to be able to get over you and move on. When the day comes that you tell me that you’ve moved on and have found someone new, I will be devastated; after all, I was never set free to be able to move past this. You will have kept me under your thumb right where you want me, in the place where you can get your way exactly… with us being everyday “friends” but without the commitment.
That is not fair to me at all.
So, even though most of me wants to fool myself and continue this way…I know that it has to end.
I know there will be some days where I am not as strong, and I’m sure I will break down and call you…but I’m going to try really hard not to.
There are some things that are nothing more than what they are. They are not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart, and make you a little smarter next time. If you care for me as much as you say you do, then please respect my feelings, and let me go. Let me move on with my life. Give me a chance to get over you.