Nov 18, 2004 19:30
Here I am it's 7:30 at night
I'm stranded, my car wont start
I'm still at work sitting at my desk
I have been here for 11 HOURS!
I am wearing nylons, heels, and a coctail dress
all which I have had on since before 8 am.
Let me just say this...
Today was our Grand Opening at work, it's a blacktie affair, so I've been all dressed up and at work since first thing this morning. I'm tired and I want to go home, but my car wont start.
My first thought in the past when whis has happened is "call Jason, oops we broke up, call Dad, oops moved away, call mom or sandy, oops moved away also, call Lorne, opps is in the hospital, call Travis, yep we broke up too"...ok so I truly felt alone. All of a sudden when I realize this, I burst into tears.
I realized I have NO family here, and no man in my life.
I know these things aren't a necesity...but, damn, they're nice to have around sometimes.
Thankfully I do have Justin who will calm me down and offer to call his friend to come get me since he can't, Liz & Mike who will haul their asses all the way out to Sun City West to pick up my sorry ass and change my battery, and Travis who will call me to say hi, listen to my cry and keep me company while I wait.
I know I truly am blessed, but sometimes things just seem really shitty!