May 26, 2005 12:18
So yeah, you know how I was talking about not being good enough to go to college? At least, not being proficient enough on guitar to do so? Yeah, well, I was so totally wrong. I have to audition on June 17th at Lincoln, so this should be rather interesting. I ran into Nate yesterday, and he explained the whole thing to me. So I have enlisted his help in this little endeavor, which should really help me out. I appreciate what he will tell me, even if it only helps me out a bit. Truthfully, I still look at him as a mentor when it comes to music. Except for this Mars Volta CD he let me borrow, I still need to get used to it, but it could be something good.
I hung out with Katy yesterday, it was nice. We watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off, which is such an awesome movie. I had a lot of fun, and I'm glad I got to hang out with her. It made me happy.
Tonight, I have to go to Cuba. Well, I don't HAVE to, but I want to. Then, well, I get to rest for the weekend. But I can't rest that much, I have to practice much, MUCH more before I can relax. Strange, I saw Star Wars again the other night, and I couldn't help but realuze how much I am like the character Anakin Skywalker, or for you none Star Wars fans, Darth Vader. I mean, change somethings around, and you got me. Not that I am going to be totally evil and crap like that, but the similarities rocked my socks. That, and the chick in the movie that gets blown off the speeder and whacks that building on the dismount. That cracked me up.