// i hope to shade the world when stars go out and i disintegrate...

Nov 23, 2005 00:11

i can't find my black nail polish.
i'm not sure you understand how serious that is.
david came to visit me today.
we went to applebees.
i drank margaritas.
then i proceeded to go to two hours of sweaty ass ballet class.
not a good idea, my friends.
that shit is hard to begin with... much harder when you're tipsy. haha
and now i am getting a shin splint. ow.
this is what i get for exercising. no good can come of this.
i am going to my mom's tomorrow and i shall be there all weekend.
i haven't seen her in like three months.
i am looking forward to eating a mountain of mashed potatoes
and seeing my dearest imported friend, abi.
NOT looking forward to writing a paper while i am there. ew.
i found so many old cds that i haven't listened to in fucking forever
i am uploading them to my computer right now and i am super excited!
so many bands i forgot that i loved so much.
i have a lot of fucking afi cds haha
and none of my stp cds are in their cases. what the fuck??
so i received some shocking news the other day...
this person, who shall remain nameless, we don't really talk.
not to mention we've only formally met once.
but he is illegedly "in love" with me.
and he talks to my friends, to tell them this....
but he doesn't talk to me...
weird? why yes, yes it is.
though i really just need to not think about it.
sadly, obsessing is what i do.
::shrug:: haha
angela's birthday plans have been possibly modified to perhaps include me punching a certain someone, who will also remain nameless, in the face.
sure wish kara and i still talked...
what happened to the three hour drunken phone calls????
i feel used. haha
i guess i've been tossed in the shitter since she got a BOYFRIEND.
hahahahaha. just kidding, love.
oh. and angela will be here in less than 24 hours.
same state, different city :(
it's ok. we will see each other eventuallyyyyyyyy.
i need to go to bed.
i have a headache from the margaritas and the spinning.
this is really long. haha
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