so you came like a missile, falling on my head with the black sky

May 05, 2008 22:10

I am a person with a well of regret which, happily, has been rather stagnant of late. This is probably due to my lack of exposure to unpleasant events, annoying people, or, in short, the fact that I've become a hermit. So the fact that I'm feeling a strong tug of regret at my heart hasn't gone as unnoticed at it may have once.

I came across a man tonight while I was out walking Callie. I was out later than I usually am, Doctor Who episodes having successfully distracted me from the time. It was quieter than normal, Callie was calmer, I was walking faster than I usually do. I turned onto the main road and there, far in the distance, all the way at the other corner, was someone rollerskating. And it wasn't the kind of rollerskating that would usually send me flashbacks of my childhood, but rather, a tastefully skilled, almost natural sort of skating. The only way I can think to explain it is to compare it to a person who is seemingly born to ride. They meld with the horse, becoming once entity, ever so graceful.

As he became closer I began to think, as is natural when out walking Callie, "Oh bollocks, she's going to eat him." I stepped off the walk and onto the grass towards the road, shorting Callie's leash and he passed me. He nodded in greeting, and in the darkness I felt I recognized him. The black hair, the facial hair, the buttoned down shirt revealing a white undershirt, he looked exactly like Dave Navarro. Stranger still, as he passed Callie didn't do a single thing. She didn't pull, she didn't bark, she was utterly calm.

It's probably silly - it feels it to me - but I regret not speaking to him. I've no idea why this feeling overcame me, or why it lingers still, but I feel it with every fibre of my being. What is this? This longing towards a complete stranger, someone I would otherwise not be attracted to? Why won't this feeling dissipate?

I imagined what I'd say to him, a whole conversation that could easily be apart of a screenplay. And then I began to grin; what an utterly laughable meet-cute. Me in my ancient oversized sweatshirt (every other night I go out in actual clothing, but of course, not this night), out walking my dog who happens to have multiple personalities, and for once, isn't feeling murderous towards strange men (women/dogs/bikes).

The whole thing is ridiculous. I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to write about something so insignificant. But despite reasoning, I can't shake this feeling off. Sillier still, but did I just walk past my love at first sight? (If I even believe in such a thing?)

men, my animals

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