and they smell of newly mown grass.

Jan 15, 2007 23:29

Watching the Golden Globes, attempting to watch A Scanner Darkly during commercials and doing homework at the same time is boggling my brain. With that in mind:

OMD! Milo Ventimiglia! OMD! House! OMD! House is actually British! OMD! Greatest acceptance speech ever. OMD! (wow, fangirling is tiring. It don’t get how people can do this all the time.)

Absolutely elated that Bill Nighy won, despite never have seen Gideon's Daughter, as I’m completely smitten with him. He’s probably one of my favourite actors.

I adored The Pursuit of Perfection commercials. They are oddly artistic, which most commercials aren’t nowadays. At least they’re being creative in their brain-washing techniques.

The Back to the Future DirecTV commercial was random as Davey. And I loved it to Davey’s pants and back. (And I find it odd that Christopher Lloyd hasn’t aged a bloody day since ’85. What utter crap.)

Sacha Baron Cohen’s speech was knee-slappingly funny. Good Davey I almost died.

I've decided to try watching Ugly Betty again, and attempting Heroes. And yoinking the House DVDs from the Decks.

When Martin Scorsese won for Best Director I could just imagine grrliz’s reaction. She probably had a peanut attack in excitement.

Deeply pissed off that Little Miss Sunshine didn’t win best Comedy/Musical. I’m getting really tired of these musician movies (I’ll be saying otherwise when the Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain and Freddie Mercury movies come out, but whatever).

Peter O'Toole should have won best actor! Love him to death and want to drown in his voice. Guh, he's another Alan Rickman.

Can't say much more as I didn't really see many films this year. Actually, I think the only films I saw were the Queen, Little Miss Sunshine and Pirates. Woe.

That's it; watching all the nomitanted movies before the Oscars so I actually know who deserves what.

ETA: Argh! Hate our internet connection. For the past four days it’s been on the fritz; every single page I try to load has that annoying “The connection has timed out” error thing on it and it’s driving me barmy. Bla!

ETA2: Was right on the grrliz front. MARTY FTW!!!

fangirling, award shows, television, movies, bitchy

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