oh my stars and garters

Jun 16, 2006 22:40

Movie fest. Again.

Last night I watched Pretty In Pink, which was pretty pointless, but very enjoyable. I’m noticing a pattern in all the 80s movies I’ve watched of late. They all have an extremely limited plot. But that could be just me, I’m in a heavy, deep, soul searching movie mood.

Which is why I watched an amazing short film entitled Everything Goes staring the delightedly delectable Hugo Weaving. It’s just wonderful, and the idea is so fresh and picturesque. Wouldn’t it be perfect? Everything goes.

"Based on a Raymond Carver short story, Everything Goes sees Ray (Hugo Weaving) selling everything connected with his failed career and broken marriage. Brianie (Abbie Cornish) and Jack (Sullivan Stapleton) are looking for things to furnish their new life together. What ensues is an intimacy between strangers who fail to see the consequences of their actions."

Oh, short films are always the greatest. Screw feature length films.

Also, I discovered the video for Alicia Bridges’s ‘I Love The Night Life' which is an “Australian Music Promo for the Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Featuring Hugo Weaving as suburban family man/air pilot turning high-camp drag-queen.” Oh it is amazing. My Husband is far too attractive as a woman.

Why does no one give a bajebus about Scott?

How could they have cured Mystique? I almost started crying.

Oh my god, Scott is dead. Oh Davey Havok, Charles is dead. Bawling bawling bawling. How can you kill Xavier? Oh, where the hell is my Kleenex box?

Oh, and then the Rogue betrayal directly afterwards! I am an emotion wreck. Thank Davey I am seeing this alone with no one but Callie for company. Okay, so the ice skating bit is way romantic. Jealousy!

And my heart is pitter pattering with Rogan glee! Heeheehee!

Phoenix has gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous hair.

Angel! Sweet Davey, you show up at the greatest of times. *glomps* Ooo! If they get all Rogue/Warren on me I think I shall be complete!

St. John, you asshole! You’re supposed to love Rogue! *coughs* I will stop reading fanfiction. I will stop reading fanfiction. I will stop…oh fuck it.

Trask! Ooo! It’s like a big X-men reunion.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Yay Raven!

Logan getting all gung ho X-men, “teamwork!”-ish is making me giggle. Just a little OOC for my taste. And he hasn’t growled once, such a disappointment. How can Logan not growl?

You know, I sat for like a minute during the bridge scene, going, “Errrrrrr….” until I got it. I need to pay attention more.

I am complete! (without the Rogue/Warren bit, sadly) Hank used “oh my stars and garters!” It wouldn’t be an X-men film without it. Ooo! And he’s quoting things! I’d forgotten how much I adore Hank. Or, Henri, as Remy and I so fondly call him.

Isn’t the sexual tension just oozing off St. John and Bobby? Oh so reading some slashy goodness after this ends. Okay, maybe it’s just wistful thinking.

Not Erik! Oh poo this movie.

I don’t think I could have done what Logan did. And since when can Phoenix be killed? I thought she was like, immortal chicky.

I knew Rogue would get the cure. It depresses me in a way, because she will never absorb Miss. Marvel and become the person she was born to be. She would have been unstoppable. I understand her, however...it's just a pity she didn't try to live with it any longer. Oh, this is what fanfiction is for. When canon ruins everything, you can always go back to the stories before everything went pooey.

And why is it that just because Erik is no longer a mutant, he has to adopt such a tacky sense of style? What is he wearing?

Yay! Erik! Does this mean there’s going to be another movie? *prays to Davey*

Overall, it was depressing. Good, but depressing. I need some fanfiction to make it better. Goodnight.

x-men, youtube, fangirling, husband!, music, fanfiction, movies

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