this is my brain on tiredness

May 22, 2006 01:49

Giddy giddy giddy. Reading HIM fanfiction at 1:50 in the morning when I have to wake up in six hours to go to my piano lesson. Mehrk. I need sleep, but I’m rather slap happy. How people wake up a eight (and before) is beyond me.

My feet are throbbing from the loverly walk I took with Kaitlin and Jillian earlier today. My legs are like jelly and my hands have gone numg numb.

And a note to my sweetheart, whom we finally got a lj for: Hello darling Jillian! Isn’t livejournal just brilliant? Now you can regale me with your dreams without Kaitlin interrupting yelling things about condoms.

Sleepysleepy time, me thinks. Or perhaps I’ll read another chapter…or two.

ETA: Or three.

ETA2: Four. I am so going to regret this in the morning. Oh Davey, I don't think I can survive on such little sleep. bla.

him, fanfiction, adventures with kaitlin and jillian

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