what a way to wake up...

May 04, 2006 09:10

Sweet Davey Tuomas! (as these pictures just prove that Tuomas is a god)

Those photographs are bloody amazing! The smirk in the first one! The stickness in the second! (and look how long Marco's goatee is - wouldn't that dangle in your food often - oh well, it looks sexy as hell on him) Wait, is he crying in the third one? Either way, those eyes! They make me swoon a thousand deaths.

So, the forth isn't that great, as, let's face it, Tuomas' angles are all wrong. He should never pose looking straight on at a camera with his face tilted upwards. Perhaps from a side view, it would look alright, but not in this one. (yes, this is my inner photographer speaking)

(and my fangirl)
The last picture is just...I am speechless. There are no words. It's such a wicked picture (not in the "woah, that's wicked, man!" sense, but it's actually wicked looking, they look evil and impish, like they come from a different world than everyone else does - which is true, they come from Finland, the land of gorgeous men). Tuomas' eyeliner and Marco's bulging eyes are so brilliant looking! They're just...

*falls over and dies*

*is revived by genius thoughts*
Can you say making icon/header time? Because I sure can.

fangirling, tuomas, picspam, photography, nightwish

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