cello up your ass

Apr 29, 2006 12:23

(you have no idea how difficult it was to write this entry. Squirrel was flinging herself at me, crawling around on my lap, rubbing up against my arm and hand and knocking my hands around so that I hit the wrong keys. oh dear - now she's lying on my arm…She's resorted to smacking me in the face with her claws out because I'm paying more attention to the computer than I am to her. And it hurts. And now her claws are lodged into my knee, and there are gigantic holes in my blanket. Joy. I can only imagine what my knee looks like.)

heh. I am on an Apocalyptica fix. I've been frothing at the mouth and squealing like a fangirl since last night. I had to drag myself away from the computer and into my bed at two in the morning I was so absorbed with Apo interviews. I originally set out to make Apocalyptica icons (I ended up only making two icons. Two. Davey help me, I get sidetracked easily) but discovered about a trillion amazing things about Apo that all thoughts about icon making was forgotten.

First off, I had the greatest "what the fuck?" moment I've yet to experience. Apparently, Perttu is singing in Betrayal/Forgiveness. And there's lyrics and everything. Was like, "er?" and searched on the internet for at least thirty minutes until I discovered that it is in fact on the version that I have, but Perttu's voice has been so heavily distorted that all it sounds like is grunts and growling. I'd noticed the sounds before, but never though they were intelligible.

After having the song on repeat for at least ten minutes, and staring at the lyrics trying to decipher when and where the lyrics were sung, I finally gave up. I kept the song on and went onto looking at something else, and then "ahuh!" I got it. I discovered that if you don't concentrate, you can distinguish some words from all the grunting. I returned to deciphering it with a new found vigour. The "singing" begins right after the pause about 1:17 minutes in. It's still extremely hard to make sense of what words he's saying, but I can follow the lyrics by listening intently to the syllables of the words. I can follow it up to "betrayed by my anger" and then I loose it. Which sucks. The cellos get all heavy there and I can no longer make out any staticy words.

It is almost more beautiful, the fact that he buried his words so deep inside a song he composed. That he hid it, so that only he truly knows how it should be sung, how it should be portrayed. It leaves the song open more to interpretation, lyrics or not. It is the way a song is sung that defines it.

The lyrics are absolutely heart wrenching and so poetic. I was not aware Perttu could write like that! Perttu is just so complex and mysterious and beautiful and kind and wise and witty and charming and emotional (and rather insane as well). Rather fancy him.

all that I ever wanted
-to understand my nightmares
possessed by my fears
betrayed by my Pride
alone I wandered in the deepest Dark
seeking comfort from the vanity
each time I escape the Real
my soul died, died a bit more
confronting the evil within
praying for my angel to appear
agonized whisper into the emptiness
begging for salvation - salvation for this cursed mind
Words without meaning
Touch without feeling
-I did not recognize my own face...
eyes that were once shining
-now extinguished
left only a silent cold
sound of a tear falling down
in the desperate hour of loneliness
this shattered heart reaching
for it's relief - the relief it can not find
Glance without affection
Kiss without sensitivity
Promise without comprehension
Love without hope
-I do not remember my own tale...
betrayed by my Anger
betrayed by my Beliefs
betrayed by my Delusions
betrayed by my Lust
(I wish)
Strength - to be released from my demons
(I desire)
Wisdom - to forgive the past
- to forgive Me

He also composed Farewell, which is my favourite Apocalyptica song, and is to be played at my funeral. It's the most miserable song I've ever heard in my life, it reeks of pain and heartbreak. I wonder what he experienced in order to compose such a song. (and here I go again with my "suffering is the greatest creator of art" theory. how depressing)

(on a happier note)
the Perttu song! (which I had in my head all last night and as I awoke this morning)

Walk on the wild side with Antero Manninen.

Apo cartoons!

Learn Finnish with Jez and Terrë (with some non-sanctioned help from Apo)

Apo quotes!

Q: "Why are cellos so sexy?
Perttu: "Firstly, we keep them between our legs."

Perttu: "We always have group sex in the studio. Music is love between men".

Fan (on the Apo-forum): "Perttu, I love you. Will you marry me?"
Perttu: "This is so sudden. Can I think about it?"

Eicca: "Oh, a man with a guitar is nothing compared to a man with a cello! Girls really like the way that we handle our instruments."

Interviewer: "So, a guy with a cello is a damn sight more sexy than Keith Richards with a guitar?"
Eicca: "DEFINITELY... you will see."
(I agree with Eicca)

Q: "have you (any of you) ever kissed a guy? if yes, so who
was he and what was it like? please answer, I'm so curious....
and if yes, why you did that?"
Perttu: "yes. me and Eicca. we like each others, are like brothers. it
felt nice, he has nice lips. HAHAAHAAAA!!!!"
(this is why I adore Finnish men, they don't care what other people think of them - they kiss all the men they want)

Q: "Do you like some sports
(skiing, swimming, ice-hockey,........)?"
Perttu: "I like to sit on sofa...(that uses calories maybe like 100/
hour...so, that's the reason why I'm so thin..)
sometimes I go play indoor-hockey
from tv I watch sometimes ice-hockey.. and definitely if Finland
is playing."

Q: "how tall are you all? (Mikko and Antero too)"
Perttu: "I am 180(179 if I'm tired)"
(this amused me)

This interviewer is fabulous. Truly. Any man who agrees with me that Eicca and Perttu should get a shampoo company to sponsor them is fabulous in my book. Perttu and Paavo interview. "Cello advisory: avoid Schiphol airport."

Perttu is a beautiful, beautiful person, and he gives such a wonderful interview. It's like he interviews himself! Perttu interview.


I know I've claimed many a man to be my soulmate, but seriously, Perttu has the same ideals and the same mentality as I do. The same anti-driving idea, the insanity…Soulmate. *nods head*

This is first time I’d heard Eicca speak in an interview. It was odd, as his voice is a lot deeper when in concert than in the interview.

The second interview I believe was Perttu and Paavo. They didn’t bother to introduce themselves, whom I believe to be Perttu just goes off into a rant. (which is why I believe the person with the deeper voice to be Perttu - he talks a lot more than Paavo.) Finnish accents are so godly. Stealing myself a Finn so that they may talk to me all the time. Permanent bliss.

both interviews here.

(and on a completely random non-Apo related, yet highly humorous note)
Dead Or Alive - Something In My House

apocalyptica, links, finland, brilliance!, quotes, fangirling, youtube, music, jocularity, addictions

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