beauty will last

Apr 14, 2006 17:03

"It’s easier to love than to hate - hate takes too much work, and I always take the easiest way."
Lionel Davis, yesterday.

Listening to new AFI, and Davey doesn’t sound like Davey, which is odd. Not the greatest AFI song in existence, and if he sings that screamo scary part in the middle often on tour, he is really going to loose his voice, and damage his vocal cords like a whoha. I can only pray to Davey otherwise (er - praying to Davey about Davey, this is new). Hope the other songs are less, catchy. Evil singles. (really, really addicted to this song already - evil evil catchy choruses!)


Yesterday I went with the Muzzer to Assumption (sadly, no sightings of Jr. Scary Sir) to see Lionel Davis. He has such a beautiful voice, but then again, I’ve always been fascinated by African accents. His words were so inspiring and truthful. I can only hope I become someone alike him one day - so at peace with the world and so strong mentally. It was amazing to hear him talk about his experience on Robben Island, his part in the end of apartheid, and how he has become a better person from his experiences. It gives me hope.

I saw someone I knew from St. James at Assumption - he looks oddly like Tuomas with the moustache and hair pulled back, which is alarming. And rather scary. I was filled with such guilt when I looked at him, though, (and some amusement) as I used to beat him up when I was younger. I was kind of an angry child. I met him again two years ago, and he showed me a mark on his leg that he has from me kicking him four of five years earlier. I felt so horrible.

So, a formal apology to everyone I’ve ever kicked, punched, clawed, or hurt (emotionally or physically) in any way. There is no excuse for my actions and I live with the guilt of my past daily. I am sorry. Really really bloody sorry.

Now that we’re past that...

Fun fact of the day (or rather, yesterday): there is a curtain company called, ‘Ever Dream.’ I had a small peanut attack when I saw it, whipped out Digi and was going to take a picture, but Digi’s lens wouldn’t stay open. It was fucking scary, I thought he’d died. He decided to work after we’d left the store though, sadly (and thankfully).

So, we began fixing up our pattern to make my dress for the Sound of Music today. I decided against making the dress out of curtains long ago (kind of uncomfortable). Last week I came across the following dress, click me!, and fell deeply in love. A bit more searching uncovered this kimono. I died and went to Davey's pants when I saw it. It's perfect. We went to Fabricland last night in search of a pattern, which we found, but it was $15.00 and I am a poor little girl. So we've decided to use this robe pattern that we have, and alter it slightly to have more kimono type sleeves. Which we did. All of our pieces (other than the obi, which I'm getting contrasting fabric for later, kind of got kicked out of the store last night as they were closing) are cut out and ready to be sewn. But the Muzzer now has my cold, and is in bed sleeping, and I am not talented to attempt sewing a kimono by myself (or anything for that matter). And the fabric is too stretchy, and it keeps moving, and it's driving my barmy.

Oh, the fabric is fabulous. It's black and it has these gigantic red, green and orange circles all over it, and small yellow, green and red flowers surrounding them. With little white petals. It's v.v. funfun. I cannot wait until I wear it.

There’s a lot of leftover material left over, so I’ve decided to make a matching fancy purse to go along with it. Whilst searching for a tutorial online, I came upon this, which is the cutest purse ever, and so my newest project (scroll down a bit to find it). I mean really, it’s a bloody monster purse! I must make this thing. Eventually. Sometime after April 21st.

It’s the father’s birthday today, so we’re probably going out for dinner soon, so I should stop typing. Well,

Lionel Davis, through a number of heads. (it’s rather funny that the Muzzer and I just walked into Assumption High School and not a single person cared or questioned us [and yes, we did have permission to go, we’re not that rebellious]. We plopped ourselves down on some chairs, and just watched it, and not a bloody person cared. And then we discovered Kaitlin and made her sit with us, which was fun.)

Am fucking ashamed of my current weight. (and my feet look ghastly) I’m starting Winsor Pilates today, which is guaranteed to help me loose a dress size in ten days. Which is probably not true, but who am I to complain, as I’ve gotten it for free. Hopefully pilates will give me back the body I had a year ago.

life plans, my family, afi, photography, davey, brilliance!, music, diy, picspam

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