Nobody knows, not even you. Nobody knows who I am.

Mar 22, 2006 12:13

Have decided to become a better, more composed, educated and well mannered person. In other words - the complete opposite of what I am. I’ve had a difficult time with myself, so I’m going to try another me for the new season.

Taking the day off today to write, and just compose myself. Sadly, it is already 11:48, and I am yet to start any type or form of writing, as the Muzzer needed my help making invitation cards for the Father’s 50tieth. And, I warn you now, the entire invitation was Muzzer’s idea, I just got her into photoshop and fixed the font and showed her how to use the eraser and paint tools. It is not my fault there is a horrendously drawn hill on the thing! I tried to get her to change her mind, but no, no one ever listens to my opinion.

I have started to make a Spring Compilation entitled, ‘Spring!’ (or something like it). I am quite attached already. All the synths and popish tunes are making me content and rather enthralled. It sends shivers of oozy goodness through me.

Also making a new layout for myself, with my own photography of A GREAT AND TERRIBLE BEAUTY and REBEL ANGELS, both by my new found hero, Libba Bray. Hopefully my gazing upon their brilliance every day will inspire me to write.

Two new writing programs I’ve discovered:
[1] Rough Draft, which is rather like Word, but has handy writing tools, such as ‘screenplay mode’ and a place for notes. Really, really enjoy using it, but hate that I can’t save anything as .doc, and so cannot open any of my .doc files (which are all of them) in it. I guess I’ll just have to make my novel notes and actual novel in another format. Bah.

[2] Writing Report Card for Excel. Scroll down and you shall find it. It’s rather like my Nanowrimo Report Card, but customizable, and I can change how many days I’m writing for, and when I stop and start, and my goal, and everything. Extremely helpful to me, for I procrastinate and always think I have days and days to make up writing, when in truth I don’t. This handy dandy little report card will tell me how much I have to make up, and how many words per day I have to write at the currant pace I’m writing.

I think I’m going to start writing on the first of April, until April thirtieth. That will give me nine days to complete my plot and character ideas. At least, I hope it will. I think I’ll set my goal to 30k, which is only a thousand words per day, which is easily manageable. I’ll take a one week break in May for my birthday, and continue for a twenty day marathon in which I write 20k. And hopefully by then, a large chunk of my novel will be complete. And if not, more monthly marathons until I finish. Or until November, whatever comes first.

I will finish it though, I swear to Davey Havok.

lj, life plans, my computer, music, writing, spring!

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