I walk the maze of moments but everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning but never finds a finish

Mar 16, 2006 23:35

Oh my Davey! yay!

The Muzzer bought me the Goblet of Fire for $22.00 (miracle) in the States. I think I almost raped her. Cheers to no longer having to wait for the lazy ass brother!

I’ve watched all the extras, of course, but am currently having extreme allergy attack, and it’s not exactly the easiest thing to type and sneeze and blow your nose all at the same time.

Expect high amounts of squeals and giddiness tomorrow, when I rewatch it all and have a ranting fest over the fact that I own GOF(!).

Muzzer also bought me Libba Bray’s Rebel Angels for $16.95. This is it - all shopping must be done in the US from now on.

In other news, I just finished watching ‘In Search of the Brontës’ and am just so inspired. To do what, only Davey knows, but I feel like doing something.

Emily Brontë has become my favourite poet. The words just seem to, I can’t really explain it, but, exist somehow, they are filled with such emotion that they are almost alive. It amazes me that people can just string some words together and create something so beautiful.

Why can’t I do that?

harry potter, poetry, shopping, books, writing, tv

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