who was that shape in the shadows? whose is the face in the mask?

Mar 09, 2006 09:17

Oh wow! oh heavy, heavy, heavy!

(or if you prefer Rik)
Oh Wow! Really great! Woodstock!

Today marks the one year anniversary of when I saw the Phantom of the Opera in theatre. It depresses me and makes me giddy remembering. Oh poo - I want to go again.

oh look! I’m even wearing my Phantom shirt and I didn’t even realize it.

We wanted to make March 9th our annual theatre going day, but there wasn’t any plays we wanted to see today. So we’re going to see the Sound of Music in April. Perhaps we shall make Spring our annual theatre going season.

We’re supposed to be going to Point Pelee today, but alas! it’s supposed to rain all day. Not that I mind, I think it’s rather fun out there when it's thunder storming. Must convince the Muzzer that we should still go. I think she’ll agree, anyways, we’re hardcore birdwatchers, we can take a little rain! And birds don’t fly in the rain, so we’ll see a thousand more than we’d usually see.

and today I'll actually remember my binoculars!

the young ones, phantom of the opera

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