broken back, ouchy feet, and v. yummy Finger L'Originals. Oh, the joy of x-mas shopping.

Dec 01, 2005 21:43


59,000 people joined NanoWrimo, and only 9,700 people finished. I take pride in the fact that I am one of those few lucky people.

Have discovered and joined National Novel Finishing Month which is really a great idea. The goal is to write 30,000 words in December, and to finish an already started novel, which, coincidently, is what I estimate the rest of my novel to be. I started post-Nano depression, but I think this will help me immensely. And this way I will actually finish my novel, no procrastinating for months, no “I’ll just take the day off, and write tomorrow”.

The Muzz finished my dress today. Giddy. And she also cut my hair into this sort-of-bob, but don’t worry, Melinda the mohawk is still intact. I couldn’t dare part ways with her yet. Muzzer says can spike her up on X-mas. V. excited. Dyed my hair black again, cheers to no more fugly blond roots! I sort of look like I have a ponytail in the front, Amelie from the side, and a mohawked person from the back. V. funfun.

Went X-mas shopping with Kaitlin. Oh lord Davey, we scare me.

Have horrid Christmas music in my head. Curse the bloody parents for listening to such pooey radio stations, and curse Jan for making me learn Christmas songs on my keyboard.

bah hum bug

bloody holidays, shopping, nanowrimo, kaitlin

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