Hi, my name is Katie, and I have a problem. I am addicted to
This American Life. I don't know how this happened. I know, I know the stereotypes--upper-middle-class, overeducated white liberals interviewing each other and making everything into a metaphor--but I can't help it.
It started last week when I listened to
this episode about "Tough Rooms." It's about The Onion, a fortune teller, Mormons, and writing for a paper. It is also my favorite episode to date.
Since then, I've been combing through the archives, downloading episodes on their shortlist, and slowly making my way through every single program they've ever done. It is ridiculous. And dangerous. I mean, each program is one hour, and they've done one every single week for thirteen years. And it's not like you can multitask while you're listening to these things. As soon as I start reading something or checking my email, I'll suddenly realize I haven't been listening to the show and have no idea what's going on. It's a completely incapacitating obsession. And I am a person who succumbs very easily to obsessions.
Anyway, just in case you're wondering, here are some of my favorite episodes:
valentine's day 2008, and
shouting across the divide.