I always knew that people become racists because of the lack of something. Today I met a group of black people on the 34th street. It was the second time I have ever met them. A group of people was standing with the picture, which was saying "devil is white". It's ridiculous. The other picture was saying "a destiny of a white man, according to the Bible, is slavery". Stupid racist shit, no more. The third their picture just killed me because it was saying "the end if the world is near and the painted a rocket, which is flying towards USA, with a name of "USSR". That's really crazy. The don't care that USSR doesn't exist more than 20 year and its impossible that USSR will ever launch a rocket in USA. It says one thing that they didn't study school, proves their intelligence and explains why they need to hate someone in their lives.
P.s. I was trying to take a picture of them but their "bodyguard" told to stay away. As far as I am white-a person they hate too much, I decided to walk away, not trying to take a picture.
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